Gardens Illustrated Magazine



by Rachel Siegfried

A handsome and engaging book detailing a low-input approach to cut-flower growing that will appeal to professionals and amateurs alike.

Reviewer Louise Curley is a freelance garden and nature writer.

The surge in interest over the past decade in seasonal, British-grown cut flowers has seen a boom in books on the subject. Much of the emphasis has been on growing highly productive annuals, but there's a lot of time, effort and resources involved in all that sowing, pricking out and growing on, which is why this book, the first one in the cut-flower genre to focus entirely on perennial and woody plants, is such a delight.

With her extensive experience as a gardener, flower grower and florist, Rachel Siegfried, owner of the flower farm Green and Gorgeous in Oxfordshire, has brought together a definitive selection of 128 tried-and-tested woody plants and perennials, including bulbs and climbers, that provide colour and interest for arrangements for each season. Because these plants return each year they require

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