Best Self Magazine

Making Each Day Matter

Making Each Day Matter, by Cathy Anello
Photograph by Bill Miles

How would you live… if you only had 6 months?

What if a doctor told you that you only had 6 months to live?

6 months to love?

6 months to make those deep dormant dreams a reality?

6 months to spend living and laughing with your most cherished tribe members, devour your favorite foods, listen to your favorite music, read your favorite books or watch all your favorite shows stacked up on the DVR?

6 months to travel to all the places you have always wanted to visit?

6 months to see all the people you’ve been wanting to see and hug?

How would you spend those theoretical last days? Who would be there beside you? Who would you want beside you? What would you tolerate now? Who would you forgive?

Flashback to 3 ½ years ago: I found myself behind a cluttered desk that represented 15 years of devotion to the corporate dream, or should I say — someone else’s dream. I was completely unable to feel a cell in my body that represented who was. I had lost myself for

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