We’re all trying to be a little more conscious about how we reuse and mend what we have, so this issue we’re looking at four options for mending holes and tears. Paula has chosen two hand stitching methods and two methods which can be completed with a sewing machine. For all these stitches, you may prefer to stabilise the tear or hole first. This can be done by:
■ Using an iron-on woven interfacing. Pop a piece, shiny side up, between the batting and the top layer where the tear is. Try and cover as much of the interfacing with the fabric as you can and then press, using a pressing cloth. Be aware that if there is still some interfacing showing, it may stick to the pressing cloth or your iron, so press carefully.
■ Covering with fabric. You can place a piece of fabric over the damaged area, matching it with the original fabric or creating some contrast for your chosen design. If it is a larger tear then