Men's Fitness South Africa

Lisa Raleigh

The first phrase that catches your eye when you visit Lisa’s website, is Rebounding. A training program the NASA uses for their astronauts, is Lisa’s go to method to keep her self and her clients and great shape. The Biogen Ambassador shares some interesting information about this unique training program and all the many projects that she is currently working on.


I would say that my love for fitness started when I was at school. I’ve always been very competitive and since I was a little girl, I’ve enjoyed taking on personal fitness challenges to see what my body is capable of, whether it be on the sports field or in the gym. At school I was very sporty and when I wasn’t in the classroom, I spent most of my time focusing on ballet, gymnastics and athletics where I got my Natal colours for running and I competed at the SA Champs many times for gymnastics. However, when I was younger, it took me a while to figure out where the ‘line’ was between being healthy, fit and active versus pushing yourself too far. When I was around 15 years old, I felt immense pressure to be at a certain weight for ballet and gymnastics and suffered from an eating disorder. I was banned

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