In the first of this two-part series on mark making, I want to show you how investigating your mark making can create a serious mindset shift. Curiosity, experimentation and the odd mishap, are the key to finding the best fit for your unique visual voice. I discovered this myself when reinventing my own visual language. Investing in and investigating ‘happy accidents’ told me so much more about my true visual voice than my pieces of finished artwork. If this resonates with you, allow me to give you permission to play.
Firstly, arm yourself with a healthy dose of curiosity. We need to push materials beyond where we believe their limits lie. This is often where the magic happens. Materials miraculously exceed our expectations, which means our art starts to exceed our expectations too, and there is nothing that makes us smile more than that.
Joy of the process
This means we must stop worrying about creating a finished piece, or what it might