MAYBE YOU’VE SEEN the ads. They’re for a simple handheld device that measures and claims to help you “hack” your metabolism so it can be more “fit” and “flexible.” But what does that even mean? Is your metabolism so easily manipulated? Or is this metabolic measurer just another hunk of junk sold by wellness hucksters?
First, it’s important to understand how your metabolism actually works. Basically, it’s the process that takes the calories you consume and then burns those calories to fuel everything you do, from a brainstorming session to a workout. Fitbit, Whoop, Apple of calories—those from fat or those from carbohydrates—your metabolism is burning at any given moment. You simply blow into a Breathalyzer-like mouthpiece and, according to the company, Lumen can even tell you how adept your body is at switching between the types of fuel you’re using (known as metabolic flexibility). Not adept? You get an eating plan to help change that, which might change how healthy you are.