Your Horse

ALTERNATIVE HEALTH: Dena Schwartz says…

Nature’s pick

Q I’ve read that horses should be allowed to browse a mix of herbs and plants, but I’ve no idea how to start. Angie Lee, Derbyshire

Thousands of years ago wild horses would have had unlimited access to hundreds of different medicinal plants, allowing them the opportunity to self-select the plants they needed. By understanding the health benefits of various berries, barks, leaves, roots and flowers, and offering plant medicine in the

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Hobby Horsing Around
The British Hobby Horse of the Year Show 2024 took place at Arena UK last month. Youngsters from across the UK and beyond took part in the first ever British championships, contesting jumping classes from 10cm up to puissance on hobby horses. Organis
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Jane Badger
How did you get involved with pony books and republishing them? I started reading pony books when I learned to ride at the age of seven. Being a horse mad girl I loved the 100% pony-ness of them. I kept my collection, even after getting married and h
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Colour Considerations
ROAD SAFETY - ALAN HISCOX says… Q I want to upgrade my high vis clothing, but I'm not sure what to buy. Can you advise what are the best colours to look out for and what wording, if any, these should have on them. Are there any insurance implications

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