Horoscope Guide

Astrology and Family Dynamics

All families have a certain pattern, one that can be passed on from one generation to the next in ways we can’t fathom. Many experiences we have as children shape us, but family dynamics are tricky. Mom and Dad may think they are helping us grow and develop into adults with good qualities and a loving heart, but the truth is that all too often this is not exactly what happens. Consider for example the life of Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko, who was born on July 20, 1938, at 11:16 a.m. PST in San Francisco, California, to parents Maria and Nikolai Zakharenko. She had an older sister, Olga, and a younger sister, Svetlana.

Natalia was nicknamed Natasha by her mother, who favored her over her other two daughters. Maria, for whom we have no birth date, was apparently a complex woman who told tall tales about her life and seemed to be attracted to the fantasy world of film. She loved the movies, and often took Natalia to the local movie house to see the latest releases. With Natalia’s Sun at 27 Cancer, she was deeply attached to her mother, despite any problems or issues that might have arisen between the two of them. Maria filled her daughter’s head with visions of her future stardom, as when she took Natalia to the movies she

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