Muse: The magazine of science, culture, and smart laughs for kids and children

A Genius Builds a Dome

There is a dome in Italy, an architectural perfection built before there were backhoes, modern cranes, or electricity. Standing for almost six centuries, it seems to defy gravity! Is it magic?

Masonry Marvel

Filippo Brunelleschi’s masonry dome atop Florence Cathedral is the largest one in the world. (Masonry is the art of building from stone, clay, brick, or concrete.) It’s wider than

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Muse: The magazine of science, culture, and smart laughs for kids and children1 min read
Muse: The Magazine Of Science, Culture, And Smart Laughs For Kids And Children
EDITOR Joseph “The Graveyard Book” Taylor ART DIRECTOR Anna “Ghost” Lender DESIGNER Pat “Beetlejuice” Murray SVP, EDUCATION PRODUCTS Laura “Goosebumps” WoodsideASSISTANT EDITOR Hayley “Spirited Away” KimCONTRIBUTING EDITOR Tracy “The Teeny Tiny Ghost
Muse: The magazine of science, culture, and smart laughs for kids and children5 min read
Psychiatry Isn’t Just For People
When animals get sick, they can’t tell us exactly how they’re feeling. When animals seem to experience emotional pain, it can be even harder to figure out what the problem is. Through careful observation, brain imaging, and experiments, researchers a
Muse: The magazine of science, culture, and smart laughs for kids and children2 min read
What’s going on in your favorite animal’s mind? Could they be dreaming or planning, worrying or remembering? Snap a photo of a pet and add a thought bubble on the screen or paper. In the bubble, write or draw what the pet might be thinking—whether si

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