Good Health

A new GOAL

As the clock ticks round towards midnight, as fireworks bang and Champagne corks pop, the majority of us will have some sort of resolution or goal in mind for the new year, be it shedding some weight, quitting smoking, or finding a new partner. Lisa Curry is no exception. And while there are few women in Australia who have reached the levels of physical prowess that the three-time Olympic swimming champion has, over the last 12 months stress has led the former professional athlete to pile on 10 kilos. But she’s determined to welcome in 2020 armed with a plan to battle the bulge.

“I’ve been training my entire life, except for the last 12 months,” the 57-year-old tells Good Health & Wellbeing. “So, as I sit here talking to you now, I am the most unfit I have ever been.

“I’ve had a year – probably a year-and-a-half, actually – of travelling, eating out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No routine, and barely any training… I’ve even had to buy

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