The Saturday Evening Post


Have you heard the one about the L.A. comedian whose mother has Alzheimer’s disease? Okay, Alzheimer’s is no joke, and this is not a funny story, except that, well, it’s actually a pretty funny story. It goes like this: In 2015, actress, author, and comedian Dani Klein Modi-sett’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Her mother lived alone in New York City, so Klein Modisett moved her to Silverado Beverly Place, a care facility near her home in Los Angeles. But after about a year, her mom became distant and depressed.

“I thought, ‘There’s gotta be a way to make her laugh,’” she says. Klein Modisett is a comedian, but it’s not that simple. Showing up and suddenly behaving like Carrot Top could be disorienting for Mom. “Unless they’re completely gone, they’re still looking at

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