Safety measures concerning the Coronavirus COVID-19. Read more about the measures.


ESM transparency framework

Transparency is an essential element of ESM’s governance and operations. As an international financial institution with a public mandate, the ESM has a number of measures ensuring that its stakeholders and the general public have a good understanding of its mandate and work. The ESM Board of Governors regularly reviews our transparency measures to guarantee they remain appropriate and up to date.

The ESM proactively publishes a wide range of policies and legal documents as well as programme related meeting documents of its governing bodies. Documents containing market-sensitive or other non-public information are subject to special safeguards, as the ESM Treaty and By-Laws foresee.

The ESM has also developed a comprehensive interactive database with comparable data related to all EFSF and ESM financial assistance programmes to date. Lastly, the ESM’s evaluation activities contribute substantially to the transparency and evaluability of the ESM core mandate.