Tonia Elrod is the epitome of success and hope.
Story credit to Matt Martin
The Procter & Gamble executive has worked hard to achieve great accomplishments in her career. She lives a happy life with her husband, Adam, and their three children—Caden, Gavin and Maley.
But on Feb. 2, 2019, her life would take a turn in a direction she could never have imagined.
Despite appearing healthy and active, the 45-year-old suffered a massive heart attack.
Tonia was finishing up a workout when all of a sudden, her arm started hurting. Her sons were there with her while Adam was taking Maley to ballet practice. When Adam got home, he saw his wife lying on the floor, unable to breathe.
Tonia went into cardiac arrest for the first of what would be five times. Adam called 911, pleading them to get EMS to their house as quickly as possible.