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No to factory farms;yes to Measure DD

Few know that Golden Gate Fields was a factory farm, like those that abuse animals in Sonoma County and the Central Valley. Factory farms, formally called Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), are defined by the EPA. More than 500 horses is a large CAFO.

Golden Gate Fields confined about 1,300 horses. They raced horses to death, keeping people trapped in cycles of gambling addiction, and all that waste from over a thousand horses surely leaked into the bay. I’m glad to see it shuttered.

Now, we can reclaim 140 acres of shoreline. We must ensure no other CAFO moves in.

That’s why Measure DD is so important. It will prohibit factory farms in Berkeley. Passing this measure will send a clear message that Berkeley will not tolerate another billionaire-backed horse abuse corporation moving in.

Vote yes on Measure DD to keep factory farms out of Berkeley.

Samantha FayeBerkeley

Trump still controlsthough smoke, mirrors

Last week Donald Trump finally admitted that he lost the 2020 presidential election “by a whisker.” The “whisker” was 7 million votes less than his opponent received.

I am shocked that the Times failed to report this. This admission should have been bold-type front-page news after these last 3½ years of his stop-the-steal lies. He has undermined faith in our elections and our institutions with his more than 30,000 lies, not to mention distortions, slurs and dangerous innuendos. It is beyond understanding that so many Americans continue to believe he is worthy of any role in our government and dismiss evidence contrary to their fixed beliefs.

I pray the United States has not been dumbed down so drastically that this smoke-and-mirrors phony can continue to evade prison for all his crimes.

Marilynn Gray-RaineDanville

Popular vote shouldbe law of the land

In 1968, when I was a senior in high school, I wrote a school paper on why we need to abolish the Electoral College. It is hard for me to believe that we have not.

In my lifetime, there have been two presidential elections in which the person who received the most popular votes did not become president. I want to express my support for the National Popular Vote agreement, which would guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in the entire United States. This plan (already passed here in California ) would ensure that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

Please support the National Popular Vote law so everyone’s vote is counted and counted equally, rather than a minority deciding for everyone.

Susan PaulsonCastro Valley

Project 2025 is badnews for U.S. security

It is critically important that voters be fully informed on the contents of Project 2025. Do you know that it calls for nuclear weapons to become a dramatically larger part of our national defense posture? The writers state that more nuclear weapons would guarantee our freedom and prosperity. Project 2025 calls for the elimination of all nuclear treaties and for the United States to restart nuclear testing in Nevada.

It also calls for us to expand and modernize our nuclear arsenal and increase funding for more intercontinental ballistic missiles. Project 2025 calls for us to position more nuclear weapons in Europe and Asia and to focus our deterrence on Russia and China.

It states that nuclear weapons should be prioritized over other security programs and that the National Nuclear Security Administration should transition to a wartime footing.

These policies take us backward. Let’s choose diplomacy and working together for peace.

Ellen BeansMoraga

Originally Published: