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E/SEC Schedule

Fall 2024-2025


Course/Units Title Instructor Time Location
E 2
Frontiers in Engineering and Applied Science
(Open to first-years and sophomores)
Atwater W 12:00-12:55 105 ANB
E  100
Special Topics in Engineering & Applied Science:
Learning How to Learn
(Max enrollment: 24 students)
Dabiri / Bryant M 12:00-12:55 360 CSS
E/SEC 102
Scientific and Technology Entrepreneurship Low / Yanchinski / Fromer TTh 2:30-3:55 104 ANB

Scientific and Engineering Communication

Course/Units Title Instructor Time Location
SEC 10
Letter Grade
Technical Seminar Presentations
(Maximum enrollment: 18 students per section)
MWF 9:00-9:55
MWF 10:00-10:55
MWF 11:00-11:55
100 PWB
SEC 11
Letter Grade
Written Academic Communication in Engineering and Applied Science
(Open to EAS and GPS students only / Maximum enrollment: 20 students)
Staff F 1:00-1:55 104 WAT
SEC 12
Written Professional Communication in Engineering and Applied Science
(Open to EAS and GPS students only / Maximum enrollment: 20 students)
Meyer F 10:00-10:55 104 WAT
SEC 13
Letter Grade
Written Communication about Engineering and Applied Science to Non- Specialists
(Open to EAS and GPS students only / Maximum enrollment: 20 students)
Burkett W 11:00-11:55 104 WAT
E/SEC 102
Scientific and Technology Entrepreneurship Low / Yanchinski / Fromer TTh 2:30-3:55 104 ANB