Press Releases

ESG Investment Expected to More Than Double in the Next Three Years New Research from Dow Jones Shows

September 7, 2022

Two-thirds (66%) of financial leaders say ESG investing is number one driver for sustained, long-term growth

NEW YORK—September 7, 2022 – New research released today by Dow Jones reveals sustainable investing is the number one growth opportunity for investment professionals, but a lack of reliable data into companies’ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices remains a challenge. 

According to Dow Jones’s survey of 200 financial leaders, ESG investments are projected to more than double in the next three years, accounting for 15% of all investments by 2025. Survey respondents cited the opportunity to drive positive change as the primary driver for this growth, followed by fiduciary responsibilities and tightening regulation. 

However, more than half (56%) of financial professionals say traditional ways of valuing companies are inadequate for assessing sustainable investments, believing that the quality of ESG data available today is not yet sufficient to make investment decisions (52%).


When making investment decisions, it is imperative to make sure the data and information is timely and accurate. However, 45% of financial leaders surveyed struggle with finding up-to-date sources and believe that ESG ratings are too static. Further, 58% of Dow Jones survey respondents feel that greater transparency is required around how ESG ratings are scored.

 “Our research clearly shows a significant interest in sustainable investing in the years to come,” said Joe Cappitelli, general manager of Dow Jones Newswires. “However, a large percentage of financial professionals are being met with opaque and outdated data sources when looking for a comprehensive view of companies’ ESG practices. That’s why trusted and timely ESG data and sentiment are imperative in helping investment managers capitalize on this burgeoning growth opportunity.”

To address these concerns, Dow Jones has launched a new sustainability data set covering thousands of publicly traded companies. The initial offering is available for asset managers to optimize their sustainable investment strategy and better engage the growing audience of purpose-driven investors.

Dow Jones’s sustainability data is uniquely news-driven, combining company self-reporting with daily news updates from thousands of global sources to provide an independent, outside-in view of a company.

“Supplementing company-reported data with daily analysis of global media coverage acts as an antidote to some of the inherent biases contained in company self-disclosed data alone,” Cappitelli continued. “It also enables investors to compare more effectively across companies and over time, to assess the link between ESG risks and opportunities, and the financial performance of a company. Applying weighting to ESG data ensures a systematic and fair methodology that is comparable across industries.”


Although the majority of respondents agree that ESG will provide the platform for generating interest with the next generation of investors, Dow Jones’s research suggests that financial firms are placing their focus on millennials, and may in turn be missing an opportunity to engage Generation Z. 

According to the survey, Gen Zs are generating 28% of sustainable investment inquiries, however only 16% of respondents are focusing their attention on this demographic for ESG growth. In contrast, financial advisors are almost four times more likely to target the millennial demographic, despite this age group accounting for a comparable portion of investment enquiries (35%). 

This discrepancy indicates that the financial community is missing out on a significant growth opportunity with Gen Z investors, and could be doing much more to connect with this demographic. 

“It’s no surprise that younger generations are the driving force behind impact investing, but our research shows that financial firms are missing an opportunity with Gen Z—and it is time for the financial industry to take them seriously,” said Cappitelli. “As we approach the greatest wealth transfer in history, financial leaders, marketers and practitioners need to rethink their perceptions of this age group, and better understand their motivations and behaviors in order to earn their trust.”

To learn more about the research, please visit: 

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Research Methodology

Coleman Parkes, a B2B market research specialist, conducted this survey in April – May 2022 using phone to web methodology. They targeted 200 senior leaders in investment management firms with more than $750 billion in assets, in the UK and U.S. All participants had a role in sustainable investments.

Media Contact

Louise Goodenday

[email protected]