

View synonyms for vile


[ vahyl ]


viler, vilest.
  1. wretchedly bad:

    a vile humor.

    Antonyms: good

  2. highly offensive, unpleasant, or objectionable:

    vile slander.

  3. repulsive or disgusting, as to the senses or feelings:

    a vile odor.

    Synonyms: repellent

  4. morally debased, depraved, or despicable:

    vile deeds.

    Synonyms: iniquitous, evil, vicious

    Antonyms: elevated

  5. foul; filthy:

    vile language.

    Synonyms: obscene, vulgar

  6. poor; wretched:

    vile workmanship.

  7. of mean or low condition:

    a vile beggar.

  8. menial; lowly:

    vile tasks.

  9. degraded; ignominious:

    vile servitude.

    Synonyms: contemptible

  10. of little value or account; paltry:

    a vile recompense.

    Synonyms: trifling, trivial, contemptible


/ vaɪl /


  1. abominably wicked; shameful or evil

    the vile development of slavery appalled them

  2. morally despicable; ignoble

    vile accusations

  3. disgusting to the senses or emotions; foul

    a vile smell

    vile epithets

  4. tending to humiliate or degrade

    only slaves would perform such vile tasks

  5. unpleasant or bad

    vile weather

  6. paltry

    a vile reward

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈvilely, adverb
  • ˈvileness, noun
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Other Words From

  • vilely adverb
  • vileness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of vile1

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English vil, from Old French, from Latin vīlis “of little worth, base, cheap”
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Word History and Origins

Origin of vile1

C13: from Old French vil, from Latin vīlis cheap
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Synonym Study

See mean 2.
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Example Sentences

The video spread widely online and caused public outcry, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese describing it as "disgusting" and "vile".

From BBC

Other people have brains and can see this vile behavior for what it is.

From Salon

"Russia’s the aggressor here, there’s no question about that," Senate Majority Leader John Thune, R-S.D., told reporters, while trying to pretend Trump didn't mean to say the vile thing he said.

From Salon

Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has gone dark in another corner of the internet amid his latest round of vitriolic, intentionally vile and antisemitic outbursts.

This Bill will equip our law enforcement agencies with the powers they need to stop these vile criminals, disrupting their supply chains and bringing more of those who profit from human misery to justice.

From BBC




