
Architectural and Machine Drawings

In addition to drawings from the SLUB collections, the Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universit�t Berlin and the Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universit�t M�nchen , the Architecture and Machine Drawings also show the results of the DFG project Architectural and engineering drawings of the German Renaissance. Digitisation and scientific indexing of the drawings from 1500 - 1650 as well as the so-called Mecklenburgischer Planschatz.

The specialized portal provides around 108,000 drawings online. These are sheets kept in the SLUB, the entire collection of the Architecture Museum of the TU Berlin, the digitised holdings of the Museum of Architecture of the TU Munich in the DigitAM project, and around 3,600 drawings from the period 1500 to 1650 from the collections of 26 cooperating archives, libraries and museums in Germany.

The collection of drawings documents both the design and presentation of architectures and/or technical arts and inventions, their constructive changes as well as the various aspects of craftsmanship and technology. The changing form of the representation can also be seen, from the mostly simple pen-and-ink drawing of the 16th century to the painterly views of the 19th century and computer-aided designs (CAD). There are also architectural documentation of historically significant architectures and individual architectural elements from the later 19th and 20th centuries.


Partner: Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universit�t zu K�ln, Max-Planck-Institut f�r Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Duration: 2009-2010
Project management: Jens Bove
Project coordination: Marc Rohrm�ller

URL DFG-Project "Architectural and engineering drawings of the German Renaissance. Digitisation and scientific indexing of the drawings from 1500 - 1650":