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BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Open Access Published by Bristol University Press 2023

1 Religious Inequalities: The Blind Spot in Participatory Methodologies and Understandings of Freedom of Religion or Belief

From the book Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief

  • Jo Howard and Mariz Tadros


This introductory chapter begins by presenting the dual lens of the two editors on how participatory research methodologies and understanding of freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) came to inform their own interpretive frameworks, and in turn how these came to shape the approach to this book. The second section of the introduction describes the rationale for the book and its intended readership, and gives an overview of the contexts and methods covered in the various case studies. The final section delineates how the book is organized and its internal logic.


participatory methodologiesfreedom of religion or belief (FoRB)intersecting inequalities
© Editorial selection, editorial matter and Chapters 1 and 14 © Jo Howard and Mariz Tadros Other individual chapters © Bristol University Press
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