We Three Kings of Orient Are
The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
| Durată : 01:37
Compozitor: John Henry Hopkins Jr
Această piesă se află pe 10 următoarele albume:
The Joy of Christmas
Starlite Orchestra & Singers
A Christian Christmas Celebration
Steven C. Anderson
Le meilleur de Noël (55 chants et chansons essentiels de Noël)
The Christmas Party Singers
The Best of Xmas (55 Essential Christmas Carols and Songs)
Lo Mejor de Navidad (55 Canciones y Villancicos Esenciales de Navidad)
Gran Coro de Villancicos
Die perfekte Playlist für Weihnachten
Die besten Weihnachtslieder (55 der bekanntesten Weihnachtslieder)
Der Weihnachts-Chor Frieden
La playlist parfaite pour Noël
Musiques de Noël
The Perfect Christmas Playlist
The Xmas Specials
The Perfect Christmas Playlist
Christmas Carols