Deadlier Than The Male
The Walker Brothers
| Duración : 02:33
Compositor: John Franz, Scott Engel
Esta canción pertenece a los 10 siguientes álbumes:
After The Lights Go Out - The Best Of 1965 - 1967
The Walker Brothers
The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
The Walker Brothers
No Regrets - The Best Of Scott Walker & The Walker Brothers 1965 - 1976
The Walker Brothers
My Ship Is Coming In: The Collection
Walker Brothers
Five Easy Pieces
Walker Brothers
After The Lights Go Out - The Best Of 1965 - 1967
The Walker Brothers
Scott Walker & The Walker Brothers - 1965-1970
The Walker Brothers
Five Easy Pieces
Walker Brothers
Everything Under The Sun (CD Set)
Walker Brothers
The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
Walker Brothers