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CIRA on CHCH Morning Live
Tim Bolen of CHCH TV went and hung out with the kids of CIRA Ontario for some recreational fun and games.
Featuring current CIRA President Kim Gilhespy as well as past President Chris Wilson.
[From July 28, 2021]
We have tons of great ideas for fun and games.
Follow these links to be amazed!
Hover over each picture to learn more about the topic
Lunch and break times provide an ideal opportunity for safe, structured and fun activities to engage all children and help meet recommended guidelines for all children to achieve 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Active playgrounds result in a reduction in break time incidents and accidents as well as a reduction in senior management time spent dealing with accidents and behaviour problems.
Healthy and safe participation includes the use protective equipment, supervision, water and sun safety, slips, trips and falls, age appropriateness, communicable diseases and illnesses, hydration, weather and risk assessment.