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  • Protect the U​.​S. Postal Service: A Vital Public Service for All Americans
    The IssueMy husband has worked for USPS for 10 years, serving as a carrier, clerk, and manager. He has delivered mail in small towns, worked the front counter helping customers, and managed operations to keep mail moving efficiently. It’s not a glamorous job—it’s long hours, brutal weather, old trucks, and often thankless work. But he loves it. Like so many postal workers, he takes pride in serving his community, making sure businesses stay open, people receive their medications, and families across America get their mail just as reliably as those in big cities. It’s easy to forget how important the Postal Service is—until you need it and it’s not there. My elderly mother still depends on her mail, both for essential medications and for running her small business. If shipping costs rise, so do her expenses. I work in a small legal firm, where we rely on the mail every day. If we had to pay more for postage, we’d have no choice but to charge our clients more—and I imagine the courts would have to do the same. That means higher legal costs, making access to justice even more out of reach for people who are already struggling. That is why this petition is so important—to remind our lawmakers about the communities they represent, how vital the Postal Service is to their constituents, and that the 660,000 hardworking postal workers are also their constituents. These are the people who keep mail moving every day, ensuring that Americans—no matter where they live—receive essential services. Beyond their role in USPS, postal workers contribute to the economy through their jobs, spending their earnings in local businesses, paying taxes, and supporting their communities. Any reduction in postal services isn’t just about mail—it’s about livelihoods and economic stability across the country. Our elected leaders must stand up and protect them, too. To: The U.S. Senate, House of Representatives & State LeadersThe U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is critical to Americans across the country, especially in rural areas, small businesses, and communities that rely on affordable, reliable mail delivery. However, ongoing efforts to privatize or merge USPS with private carriers threaten its ability to serve every address—no matter how remote—and put the entire country at risk. We, the undersigned, urge federal and state leaders to oppose any efforts to privatize or merge USPS and instead take action to ensure it remains a self-sustaining, independent public service under direct Congressional oversight, accountable to the American people—not private corporations. I. Why USPS is Essential to the United StatesUSPS Provides Hundreds of Thousands of Jobs & Strengthens the U.S. EconomyUSPS employs over 660,000 Americans across every state. With large processing and distribution plants nationwide, the Postal Service processes millions of mail pieces daily and provides stable jobs to hundreds of thousands of workers. Post offices in every city, town, and rural community ensure mail delivery while employing dedicated clerks, carriers, and support staff. These workers are not just employees—they are voters, taxpayers, and members of the very communities lawmakers represent. If USPS is weakened, merged with private carriers, or privatized, these jobs could be lost or drastically reduced, harming not just postal workers, but businesses and consumers who rely on affordable mail services. Postal Workers Drive Economic GrowthBeyond delivering mail, postal workers fuel the economy through their wages. Their salaries go back into local businesses, housing markets, and public services. They pay taxes, shop in their communities, and support small businesses, keeping local economies thriving. A loss of postal jobs wouldn’t just affect the USPS—it would ripple through entire communities, hurting businesses and economic stability nationwide. Rural Americans Depend on USPSUnlike private carriers, USPS delivers to every address at the same price, no matter where you live. Without it, thousands of Americans could face higher delivery costs or lose service entirely. Small Businesses Need Affordable ShippingUSPS provides low-cost shipping options that keep small businesses running. If privatized or merged, shipping costs will surge, just as they did in the UK and Germany. A Key Player in the National EconomyThe Postal Service ensures that businesses across agriculture, retail, healthcare, and manufacturing can ship and receive goods affordably. Many farmers, small producers, and local businesses depend on USPS to distribute their goods efficiently and cost-effectively. USPS Supports Veterans, Seniors & the DisabledMillions of Americans depend on USPS for medications, Social Security checks, and VA benefits. Privatization or a merger with private companies could delay or increase costs for these essential services. Ballot & Election Mail is at StakeUSPS ensures that every voter—especially in rural areas—can vote by mail. Private companies have no legal obligation to deliver ballots securely and on time. II. USPS is NOT a Drain on Taxpayers—It Pays for ItselfUSPS does not receive regular taxpayer funding. It operates on postage revenue, and in the past 50 years, it has received just $20 billion in government support—less than what the U.S. spends on defense in a single month. If USPS did require tax dollars, it would cost less per person per year than:• One cup of store-bought coffee per day for a year (or one Starbucks drink per month for 12 months—about $60 per year)• Eight dozen eggs• 20 gallons of gas And yet, you don’t pay for USPS unless you use it. Privatization could cost you 50% more as it has in other countries.  III. What Congress & State Leaders Can Do Right Now1. Oppose Any Efforts to Privatize or Merge USPSThe U.S. Senate and House of Representatives must reject any legislation that weakens, privatizes, or merges USPS with private carriers. This would only drive up costs, reduce service to rural communities, and harm the economy. 2. Ensure USPS Remains Under Congressional OversightCongress must keep USPS accountable to the American people, not private corporations. Keeping it under Congressional oversight ensures that mail service remains fair, affordable, and accessible to every American. 3. Support Legislation Allowing USPS to Modernize & Generate RevenueInstead of cuts, Congress should advocate for reforms that help USPS expand package services, restore postal banking, and renegotiate outdated international agreements to keep prices low. 4. Protect USPS Processing Plants & Rural Post OfficesAny reduction in USPS services will directly harm the U.S. economy, rural communities, and small businesses. Our leaders must oppose plant closures, service reductions, or job losses that impact Americans nationwide. Sign the Petition to Tell Congress & State Leaders: USPS is Worth Protecting!More Resources: 📌 PreserveUSPS.orgThis website is dedicated to preserving the USPS as a public institution. It provides research and counterarguments to popular misconceptions or arguments for privatization. 📌 H.Res.70This resolution expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress should take all appropriate measures to ensure that the USPS remains an independent establishment of the Federal Government and is not subject to privatization. It serves as a formal call to action, urging legislators to safeguard this vital public service. 📌 5calls.org5 Calls is a advocacy platform that empowers citizens to call their elected officials on key issues like postal reform. It offers simple tools and guidance for making your voice heard on preserving our public services. ***Disclaimer: This petition was created entirely by me, independent of my husband. He had no role in designing or drafting it. My motivation comes from my deep appreciation for him and for the U.S. Postal Service, which serves countless Americans. The views expressed in this petition are solely my own and do not represent the U.S. Postal Service, its employees, or any affiliated unions.    Read more
    Ann Z
    1,627,736 Supporters
  • Justice for Sam Nordquist: Demand Harsher Sentencing!
    Sam Nordquist was not just my friend but a so very loved member of the transgender community who was met with a despicable end through an act of heinous violence in New York. As a 24-year-old transman from Oakdale, Minnesota, he was unapologetically himself and would have given you the shirt off his back. Sam traveled to New York in September 2024 to meet his online girlfriend 38 year old Precious Arzuaga. As of January 1st all contact with Sam was lost by his family and friends.  Following Sam’s arrival in NY his life was brutally ripped away by five individuals Precious Arzuaga, 38; Jennifer Quijano, 30; Kyle Sage, 33; Patrick Goodwin, 30; and Emily Motyka, 19 who tortured him both psychologically and physically for over a month in his hotel room at Patty’s Lodge a roadside motel where he was known to be staying before murdering him. Following his death his killers discarded his body in a field in upstate New York near Canandaigua.  "In a televised news conference on Friday, police said the case is "one of the most horrific crimes" they had ever seen and that Nordquist was subjected to "deeply disturbing" abuse for several months, starting in December."  Even though police say it’s “one of the most horrific crimes that they’ve ever seen in their entire careers” they have NOT deemed it a hate crime and the 5 individuals that have been arrested are only facing second degree murder charges when they should be charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER. Unfortunately, Sam is one of countless transgender people who have been murdered in recent years for choosing to live authentically and as themselves. In 2020, it was recorded that 44 transgender or gender nonconforming people had been fatally shot or killed by other violent means in the U.S., the majority of whom were Black and Latino transgender women (Human Rights Campaign). Hate crimes against transgender people have been continuously growing, which signals a pressing need for stronger law enforcement and harsher penalties for hate crimes. I’m writing to ask you to sign this petition demanding that the Second Degree Homicide charges be changed to First Degree Homicide Charges and that the judge sentences all five of the following individuals Precious Arzuaga, Jennifer Quijano, Kyle Sage, Patrick Goodwin, and Emily Motyka to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Sam Nordquist’s life mattered, and his story deserves to be told and heard. His death needs to bring about a change, a call from all of us to reconsider and revise the legal penalties for hate crimes. As Sam's friend and as a concerned US citizen. I implore you to seek justice for Sam and push for harsher penalties for hate crimes. Every signature on this petition sends a powerful message that such violence against the transgender community will not be tolerated. JUSTICE FOR SAM NORDQUIST NOW! Please sign this petition. I have also included the GoFundMe set up by Sam’s sister Kayla. Any funds raised will be put towards supporting the family during this difficult time as they navigate the details of bringing Sam home. more
    Jax X
    12,527 Supporters
  • Free Wendy Williams from Guardianship
    Wendy Williams, an international icon, has faced numerous challenges in recent years. Her situation is not just a personal struggle but also an issue that resonates with many who believe in the importance of personal freedom and family ties. Currently, she is under conservatorship and contractual restrictions that limit her access to her own finances and prevent her from freely seeing her loved ones.Conservatorships are designed to protect individuals who cannot care for themselves or manage their own finances. However, they can sometimes become tools of control rather than protection. In Wendy's case, it appears that the conservatorship is causing more harm than good by isolating her from those she holds dear.The impact of such restrictions on an individual's mental health cannot be overstated. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), social isolation can lead to serious mental health issues such as depression and anxiety disorders.We urge all relevant parties involved in Wendy's case to reconsider these restrictive measures. Let us stand together for Wendy Williams' right to see her family freely and manage her own finances without undue interference or control.Please sign this petition if you believe in granting Wendy Williams the freedom she deserves. Share this petition to help Free Wendy Williams. Use the hashtag #FreeWendyRead more
    Arthur Haywood
    25,101 Supporters
  • Stop Medicare from Limiting Home Telehealth Coverage on April 1, 2025
    I am a cancer specialist, regularly attending to patients in rural areas of Southern Colorado. Many of my patients live in rural communities, far removed from immediate healthcare access, or are homebound due to their conditions. Since the COVID pandemic, Medicare has allowed telehealth or "virtual visits" from the home setting. Beginning April 1, 2025, home telehealth visits will be greatly limited and rural patients will need to travel to a local clinic to complete a telehealth visit.  Rural patients exhibit higher mortality rates, with longer distances to travel for care acting as a significant barrier to treatment (Journal of Rural Health). Among the homebound population, a substantial portion live with multiple chronic conditions, and interruption of their telehealth services can lead to potential health crises (American Journal of Public Health). For patients living with a cancer diagnosis or chronic conditions, telehealth provides an important link to their care team. Telehealth also helps alleviate costly travel to medical appointments, time off work, and child care expenses.  A review of studies of different telehealth implementations published on PubMed from January 2017 to December 2020 showed that "Telehealth models were associated with positive outcomes for patients and health care professionals, suggesting these models are feasible and can be effective." Butzner M, Cuffee Y J Med Internet Res 2021;23(8):e29575doi: 10.2196/29575Therefore, we ask that Medicare extend its coverage for home telehealth visits beyond April 1 2025. This measure would not only ensure that rural and homebound patients continue receiving the care they need but would also greatly contribute to alleviating healthcare disparities across rural America. Stand with us in the fight against insufficient healthcare access. Support rural and homebound patients by signing this petition today.Read more
    Robert Hoyer, MD
    22,829 Supporters

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