Framework contracts

EU institutions conclude a number of framework contracts (FWCs) with external contractors for specific services that are required on a regular basis. These are generally large, multi-annual contracts focusing on certain thematic areas or methods.
CEPS has a long-standing experience in providing advisory services to the European Commission, the European Parliament and other European institutions via FWCs. In the past 3 years, CEPS has performed about 60 specific projects via FWCs, working with top-class partners on larger contracts. We are currently involved in over 30 FWCs, 15 of which are led by a CEPS research team.

For more information about CEPS activities, please contact us at [email protected].


Framework Contracts with the European Commission

  • Multiple Framework Contracts for the Provision of Behavioural Studies – Third Wave
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, CHAFEA
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Kantar (lead), BEHAVIA, University of Amsterdam – Uncertainty Lab
    – Contracting period: 06/2020 – 06/2022
  • Framework Contract for the provision of Evaluation and Impact Assessment services to DG CONNECT. Lot 1: Support for preparation and implementation of impact assessments, evaluations and fitness checks in the area of digital policy. Lot 2 – Exploring, documenting and analysing digital policy issues.
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG CONNECT

    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: ICF consulting (lead), Wavestone
    – Contracting period: 11/2019 – 10/2023
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract in Competition for the provision of evaluation and evaluation related services, including support for impact assessment activities
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG ECFIN
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Ecorys (lead), NIESR (National Institute of Economic and Social Research)
    – Contracting period: 03/2017 – 03/2020
  • Framework Contract for the provision of services related to the implementation of Better Regulation Guidelines
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG EMPL
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: EFTHEIA, Deloitte
    – Contracting period: 07/2017 – 07/2021
  • Framework Contract on Economic Analysis of Environmental Policies and Analytical Support in the Context of Better Regulation
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG ENV
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: RPA Europe (lead), B’Innov, CEPS, INERIS, RWI (Leibniz-Institute for Economic Research), Sofies Group, VVA
    – Contracting period: 09/2019 – 03/2023
  • Assistance to the Commission on Technical, Socio-Economic, Environmental and Cost-Benefit Assessments related to the Implementation and further Development of EU Waste Legislation
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG ENV
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Bio Innovation (lead), CEPS, VVA, RDC Environnement
    – Contracting period: 01/2020 – 01/2021
  • Multiple Framework Contract for the procurement of economic studies and analyses related to impact assessments and evaluations
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG GROW
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Economisti Associati (lead), CASE, Coffey, Technopolis
    – Contracting period: 10/2017 – 09/2021
  • Framework Contract for the Consultancy and technical support services in the area of legal migration and integration (Lot 2)
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG HOME
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Ramboll Management Consulting (lead), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Milieu
    – Contracting period: 07/2017 – 07/2021
  • Framework Service Contract for the provision of evaluation and impact assessment-related services
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG TAXUD
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Economisti Associati (lead), CASE, Coffey, CIC (Consorzio Italiano Consulenti), ECOPA, IPSOS, Milieu, Oxford Research, WEDOIT Solutions
    – Contracting period: 07/2019 – 07/2021
  • Multiple Framework Contract for the provision of evaluation services in the field of trade
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG TRADE
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Ernst & Young (lead), CIREM (Centre d’Information et de Recherche sur l’Economie Mondiale)
    – Contracting period: 07/2018 – 05/2022
  • Impact Assessments, Evaluations, Foresight and Strategic Analyses of R&I policies and programmes. LOT 3 – Studying, assessing and evaluating research and innovation programmes and policies (SARI)
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG RTD

    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Technopolis (lead), AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology), CHEPS (University Twente Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies), Economisti Associati, Science Metrix
    – Contracting period: 09/2019 – 09/2021
  • Multiple Framework Contract with reopening of competition to provide economic analysis in support of SME policy
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, EASME
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Ernst & Young (lead), Open Evidence, The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal
    – Contracting period: 10/2017 – 10/2021
  • Policy Support Facility for the Implementation of EU Foreign Policy
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)
    – CEPS role: partner
    Consortium partners: Particip (lead)
    – Contracting period: 09/2019 – 08/2021
  • Multiple Framework Contract for the Support to Structural Reforms in EU Member States. Lot 1: Support for the development and implementation of reforms
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS)
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Ernst & Young (lead), PPMI
    – Contracting period: 07/2019 – 07/2023
  • Multiple Framework Contract on Advice, Benchmarking and Consulting services in information and communication technology (ABC IV) – Lot 3
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG DIGIT
    – CEPS role: Subcontractor
    – Consortium partners: PwC (lead), Wavestone
    – Contracting period: 12/2017 – 11/2021
  • Framework Contract on Green Growth and Circular Economy – Supporting activities for stakeholder engagement, exchange of information and best practices (Lot 1)
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG ENV
    – CEPS role: Subcontractor
    – Consortium partners: Technopolis (lead), Adelphi Consult, Arctik, Deloitte Conseil, Eunomia Research and Consulting, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), Trinomics
    – Contracting period: 11/2018 – 10/2022
  • Framework Contract on Legal, economic and technical assistance in the fields of energy and mobility and transport. Economic assistance in the field of energy (Lot 2)
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG MOVE & DG ENV
    – CEPS role: Subcontractor
    – Consortium partners: ICF consulting (lead)
    – Contracting period: 03/2017 – 03/2021

Framework Contracts with the European Parliament

  • Framework service contract for the provision of external expertise on technical, regulatory, and policy issues in the field of Bank Resolution (Lot 2)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament,Directorate A — Economic and Scientific Policies
    – CEPS role: Leader
    – Contracting period: 09/2020 – 09/2025
  • Framework Service Contract for the Provision of External Expertise in the Field of Monetary and Economic Affairs
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Committees on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
    – CEPS role: Leader
    – Contracting period: 05/2020 – 05/2024
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in the field of the EU Budget
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Committees on Budgets (BUDG) and on Budgetary Control (CONT)
    – CEPS role: Leader
    – Consortium partners: Jacques Delors Institute, Central and Southern Europe Centre of Excellence (CSE COE), European Policy Centre (EPC), Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA)
    – Contracting period: 04/2020 – 04/2024
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of External Expertise on Regulatory and Policy Issues in the Fields of Climate Change (Lot 2)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)

    – CEPS role: Subcontractor
    – Consortium partners: Milieu (lead)
    – Contracting period: 04/2020 – 04/2024
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise on regulatory and policy issues in the fields of Internal Market (lot 1) and Digital Single Market (Lot 2)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)

    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: VVA (lead)
    – Contracting period: 01/2020 – 01/2024
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise on regulatory and policy issues in the field of Horizontal issues on the area of freedom, security and justice, fundamental rights and citizenship (Lot 1), Policies on border checks, asylum and migration (Lot 2) and Judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation (Lot 3)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

    – CEPS role: Leader
    – Contracting period: 02/2020 – 02/2025
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the External Expertise in the Fields of Ex-ante Impact Assessment, Ex-post Evaluation, Estimating European Added Value and Stress Testing of EU Policy in the fields of Internal market and consumer protection, industry, research and energy, environment, public health and food safety (Lot 1), Civil liberties, justice and home affairs, legal affairs, constitutional affairs, women’s rights and gender equality (Lot 3), Economic and monetary affairs, employment and social affairs, budgets and budgetary control (Lot 4).
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)

    – CEPS role: Leader
    – Consortium partners: Ecorys, Economisti Associati
    – Contracting period: 12/2019 – 12/2023
  • Framework contract to provide foreign policy expertise in the fields of Trade (Lot 5)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG External Policies

    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: University of Innsbruck (lead), CASE, IdW, ISPI, NUPI
    – Contracting period: 09/2019 – 09/2024
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the Provision of external expertise on regulatory and policy issues in the field of industry (Lot 1), Digital and ICT policies (Lot 2) and Energy and Climate Change (Lot 4)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: Ecorys
    – Contracting period: 07/2019 – 07/2023

Framework Contracts with the Council of the EU

  • Multiple Framework Contract for Services on Impact Assessments of substantial amendments by the Council to legislative proposals. Lot 1: Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Telecommunications, Research and Energy, Regional Development, Transport and Tourism, Education, Culture and Sport
    – Contracting Authority: Council of the European Union
    – CEPS role: Sole contractor
    – Contracting period: 01/2018 – 12/2021

Framework Contracts with the European Committee of the Regions

  • Multiple Framework Contract for Studies in the Fields of Economic Policies and Governance
    – Contracting Authority: European Committee of the Regions (CoR)

    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: Spark Legal Network, CASE
    – Contracting period: 08/2019 – 08/2022
  • Multiple framework contract for studies in the field of the EU Budget
    – Contracting Authority: European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: LSE Enterprise, IEEP, Deloitte, Notre Europe-Institut Jacques Delors, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA)
    – Contracting period: 07/2017 – 07/2021

Framework Contracts with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)

  • Multiple Framework Contract for Studies in the Fields of Economic Policies and Governance
    – Contracting Authority: ENISA

    – CEPS role: Subcontractor
    – Consortium partners: Wavestone (lead)
    – Contracting period: 03/2020 – 03/2021


Framework Contracts with the European Commission

  • Multiple framework contract for the supply of impact assessment, evaluation and evaluation related services in the policy areas under the responsibility of DG Justice and Consumers (Lot 1)
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG JUST

    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Optimity Advisors (lead), AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology), Europe Economics, UCSC, Tipik, CSD
    – Contracting period: 04/2016 – 04/2020
  • Multiple Framework Contract with reopening of competition in the field of Sustainable Industrial Policy and Construction. Lot 1: Competitiveness, Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Transport
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG GROW
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: Navigant, Economisti Associati
    – Contracting period: 10/2015 – 10/2019
  • Multiple Framework Contract for ‘Studies in Support to Research and Innovation Policy in the areas of Renewable Energy, Carbon Capture and Storage and Clean Coal’
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG RTD
    – CEPS role: Subcontractor
    – Consortium partners: Ernst & Young (lead), Rina Consulting, ECN+
    – Contracting period: 10/2015 – 10/2019
  • Framework Service Contract for the provision of evaluation and impact assessment-related services
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, DG TAXUD
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Economisti Associati (lead), EUROPE Ltd., CASE, wedoIT-solutions, ECOPA
    – Contracting period: 12/2015 – 07/2019
  • Multiple Framework Contract for the Support to Structural Reforms in EU Member States. Lot 1: Support for the development and implementation of reforms
    – Contracting Authority: European Commission, SRSS
    – CEPS role: Partner
    – Consortium partners: Ernst & Young (lead), PPMI
    – Contracting period: 10/2017 – 07/2019

Framework Contracts with the European Parliament

  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in the field of monetary and economic affairs (Monetary dialogues)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Sole contractor
    – Contracting period: 03/2015 – 03/2020
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in the fields of Budgetary Affairs. Lot 1: EU Budget Revenue
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: IEEP, TRIPLE E Consulting and LSE Enterprise
    – Contracting period: 03/2015 – 03/2020
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in the fields of Budgetary Affairs. Lot 2: EU Budget Expenditure
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: IEEP, TRIPLE E Consulting and LSE Enterprise
    – Contracting period: 03/2015 – 03/2020
  • Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in the fields of Budgetary Affairs. Lot 4: EU Finances – Multiannual Financial Framework and other horizontal issues
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partners: IEEP, TRIPLE E Consulting and LSE Enterprise
    – Contracting period: 03/2015 – 03/2020
  • Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in the field of banking resolution (lot 2)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Sole contractor
    – Contracting period: 05/2016 – 01/2020
  • External expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Lot 2: Respect and promotion of fundamental rights, citizenship and combating discrimination
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: Centre d’études sur les conflits, liberté et sécurité (CCLS)
    – Contracting period: 09/2014 – 12/2018
  • External expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Lot 4: Immigration, integration, and management of the EU’s external borders
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: Centre d’études sur les conflits, liberté et sécurité (CCLS)
    – Contracting period: 09/2014 – 12/2018
  • External expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Lot 3: Asylum
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: Centre d’études sur les conflits, liberté et sécurité (CCLS)
    – Contracting period: 09/2014 – 12/2018
  • Research network to provide foreign policy expertise: Trade (Lot 7)
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG External Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Subcontractor
    – Consortium partner: LSE Enterprise (lead), CASE, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Univeristy of Innsbruck, University of Maastricht
    – Contracting period: 09/2014 – 08/2018
  • Framework service contract in lots for provision of external expertise in the fields of impact assessment and European added value. Lot 2: Internal Market and Consumer Protection
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: Economisti Associati
    – Contracting period: 07/2013 – 07/2018
  • Framework service contract in lots for provision of external expertise in the fields of impact assessment and European added value. Lot 5: Legal and Constitutional Affairs
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: Economisti Associati
    – Contracting period: 07/2013 – 07/2018
  • Framework service contract in lots for provision of external expertise in the fields of impact assessment and European added value. Lot 6: Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Women’s Rights and Petitions
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: Economisti Associati
    – Contracting period: 07/2013 – 07/2018
  • Framework service contract in lots for provision of external expertise in the fields of impact assessment and European added value. Lot 11: Methodological and horizontal issues
    – Contracting Authority: European Parliament, DG Internal Policies of the Union
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: Economisti Associati
    – Contracting period: 07/2013 – 07/2018

Framework Contracts with the European Committee of the Regions

  • Multiple Framework Service Contract on “The EU Budget” (Lot 4)
    – Contracting Authority: European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
    – CEPS role: Lead
    – Consortium partner: IEEP
    – Contracting period: 05/2013 – 05/2017