CEPS Project


Une stratégie globale de communication autour de la politique européenne de cohésion en Europe du Sud


The project aims at raising awareness about the European Cohesion Policy in South Europe through the realization of a global communication strategy that includes:

–      The launch of a radio campaign in Spain, Greece and Italy through 110 radios and 6 millions listeners

–      The realization of 12 “Radio Agora” in Spain, Greece and Italy: These are public radio events about the future of the cohesion policies with the participation of 72 international experts

–      The realization and broadcast of 30 videos about 30 emblematic projects in South Europe financed by cohesion funds. The videos are hosted in an interactive map and are shared in the Social Networks through an online campaign

–      The publication in 4 languages of a report on “Cohesion policies in Southern Europe: Trajectory, perspectives and citizen recommendations”

Jorge Núñez Ferrer