Flying nowadays is a bit of a headache. So when we asked people from the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the wildest TSA stories they have ever experienced, they delivered so, so, so many. Here are some of the top answers below.
1. "It was literally my first flight ever. I was 12. I guess my mom thought I was old enough to pack my bag. My, uh, monthlies were due, and I was already freaked out because of the flight. So I packed the ENTIRE bottle of Ibuprofen and a fresh pack of pads, as well as a heating pad. I think you can guess how THAT looked to an overly aggressive male TSA agent who saw the x-ray and the preteen sweating bullets. I was fucking crying and about to throw up when they pulled me aside. To add further embarrassment, the bag of pads got stuck on my zipper, and when he yanked real hard to pull them free, the bag broke open, and pads flew everywhere. Granted, it was a 6:00 a.m. flight, but the security line went dead quiet. I wanted to die. Thank God for the very sweet TSA female agent who quickly stepped forward, finished the search, calmed me down, helped me repack my bag, and guided me to my gate."
2. "The one time I flew with my late brother-in-law, the TSA agents seemed convinced that he must be smuggling stuff in his huge motorized wheelchair. They tried to insist that he get out of the chair so they could thoroughly inspect it. At that point, his muscular dystrophy was fairly well advanced, and he had to use a transfer board to get from bed to chair and back, but it took a loooong time to convince the TSA that it was not only unreasonable to ask him to stand up, but also LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for him to do so."
"Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear that! There seems to be a huge blind spot between airports and people with disabilities. My mom has a neurological disorder and used a wheelchair for a long time, and they’d always try to get her to switch to *their* wheelchair so they could inspect hers. She was just like, 'My dude, sure, if you’re going to physically lift me, otherwise I’m not going anywhere!'"