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James Blunt Has Been Roasting Himself And Others On Twitter For Over 8 Years, And I Just Think We Should Celebrate That

This man *truly* hates himself, and I kind of love it.

I honestly don't know if anyone under 20 knows who James Blunt is, but I can assure you everyone over 20 does.

James Blunt singing

For our Gen Z readers who don't know, James Blunt sang the 2005 song "You're Beautiful."

View this video on YouTube


*You were probably like 3 then.

It was somewhat of a cultural moment and a huge hit.

Well, in case you don't happen to follow him, James has been calling out people on Twitter for the past eight years who make fun of him and his song.

The man has a true dedication to self-deprecation.

2006, actually. RT @K_Dick33: Why does James Blunt have a million followers? He stopped being relevant in 2009

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

It's become somewhat of a rite of passage to be roasted by James.

Yup, it's called "Greatest Hit". RT @Farrsigh: There's a "best of" James Blunt? Really?

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

If you tweet about him or "You're Beautiful," you'll never know if James will call you out.

Coming upstairs now. RT @sassyfalahee: omfg james blunt is on the tv downstairs can this day get any worse!

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

From people complaining about hearing "You're Beautiful" in public.

Dad? Is that you!? @spenno44: @BBCRadio2 please please please please stop playing James blunt please ...thank you

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

To people just saying the song is horrible.

Yet so many people bought it, bought it. RT @yanto1973: That James Blunt song is utterly horrific, horrific.

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

James has been waiting and watching with a reply.

I’m not playing. This is a serious workout. RT @chappell_lewis: James Blunt is playing in the gym. This is unacceptable.

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

He sees you.

Mainly coz it’s by Daniel Powter. RT @lenacoleman: Pretty sure playing James Blunt's "Bad Day" on loop is not an option.

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

And now, I'm happy to report James is still roasting himself and others in 2021.

He's still got it.

I did already. https://t.co/TePcTaLGUx

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

He's calling you poor.

Hahahahahahahahahaha! No. https://t.co/dZeLFp5aaQ

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

He's correcting Chance the Rapper's grammar.

You’re. https://t.co/3fAUNZ8ADu

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

He's giving shoutouts to his fan.

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

And he gave us the gift of not performing during the pandemic.

During lockdown, while many other artists are doing mini-concerts from their homes, I thought I’d do you all a favour and not.

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

His self-hating energy is something we can all relate to at this time.

Singing “I saw your face in a crowded place” suddenly seems a little dated.

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

And yes, he's still replying to your mean tweets about him.

Congratulations. You have figured out how surnames work. https://t.co/4VPDIm9yr0

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

No, they just don’t want you. https://t.co/CNpB3Vazf9

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

I can’t believe you have a friend either. https://t.co/pzsFdyO5eU

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

Unless they paid me. https://t.co/4voSh2UiT7

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

Err, she was my ex-girlfriend. https://t.co/xMoSV0oqoy

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

Basically, I really admire his hustle. He just asks that after 16 years, you use the right "you're."

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do grammar. https://t.co/ylV20efu9X

Twitter: @JamesBlunt

Bye bye.