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We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.
There's no better room in the house.
Promising review: "These are my favorite hanging pots. I ordered them in black, and I have three sets. One in a bedroom, several in my kitchen windows." —Tammy
Promising review: "The set is beautiful. I have them in my bathroom with two types of philodendrons in each pot. They shine and are easy to wipe down. No fading as of now. I’m very pleased with my purchase." —Nickel
Price: $29.99+ (available in three colors)
Price: $116.88 (originally $135.99)
Promising review: "Obsessed! It is so comfortable and soft, BUT it can get very warm; if your room is usually on the cooler side, you will feel like you’re sleeping in a cloud, but in warmer temperatures, you will definitely sweat; a winter blanket for sure. I’ve gotten other sleep-inducer comforters. I would definitely recommend anything from them!" —Christina
Price: $106.39+ (available in sizes twin–king)
Promising review: "The beautiful headboard and black was my inspiration for my bedroom design, and it anchors my room design beautifully." —Satisfied Customer
Price: $146.99+ (originally $192.99; available in three colors)
Price: $72.99
Promising review: "These look so good in my bedroom! So pretty!" —Sandra
Promising review: "I have this lamp in my guest bathroom. It is beautiful, soft lighting for someone to use the restroom at night without blasting the retinas. I bought a 40w short lightbulb to go with it. Traditional lightbulbs are too tall. Great purchase!" —Anonymous
Price: $69+ (available in two sizes, two shade colors and seven lamp colors)
Some reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.