bTV Media Group won 6 awards in b2b Media's Greenest Companies in Bulgaria 2024 competition

Awards include “Green Media of the Year” and “Green Feather” Awards for journalists


The fourteenth national competition of b2b Media “The Greenest Companies in Bulgaria” honored the best environmental projects, initiatives, and companies in the country. bTV Media Group won no less than 6 awards for its projects related to the sustainable creation of television content, educational events on good examples and practices in environmental protection, as well as for journalistic materials on "green" issues.

The jury awarded bTV Media Group with the “Green Media” Special Award. The award recognizes the media group's initiatives – “Green Week”, “Green Filming” and “Let's Clean Bulgaria Together”, as well as the company's long-term efforts and strategy to promote the steps and processes that organizations and consumers can take together to live and consume in a safe, clean, and sustainable environment.

“We are very pleased to have received this recognition. When we talk about green policies, the responsibility lies with the company, but the credit goes to each one of its employees. We are proud that bTV is the first media group in Bulgaria to certify its productions according to the international albert standard. The “Let's Clean Bulgaria together” campaign, the “Green minutes” in our broadcasts, the ESG news section on the company's website and the recent “Green Week” initiative are just a small part of our efforts to raise awareness of important issues for society. We work consistently and strive to support a wide network of partners whose causes, initiatives and good examples deserve to be promoted,” says Janeta Diadovska, Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications at bTV Media Group.

In the ESG Initiative category, bTV Media Group won first place for its implementation of the internationally certified albert Green Filming model. “Green Filming” is the implementation of TV projects and content in a sustainable way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, use resources more efficiently and protect the environment. It includes optimization of energy use, transportation, accommodation, catering, eco-certified products, low carbon impact services, waste management, elimination of single-use plastics, reduction of paper use, internal and external communications, and green content.

The 3rd prize was awarded to bTV Media Group in the category “Green Education Initiative” with the campaign “The Green Week”. Within the framework of the well-established social brand “The Good Example” and under the slogan “Responsible to Nature Together”, the media group dedicated a large part of its on-air, digital and radio content to the “Green Week” in June 2023, delivering environmental messages, implementing activities through the personal example of employees, and addressing the important topics of environmentally friendly living to the public.

In the b2b Media competition, also known as “The Green Oscars”, the bTV Media Group website - received three awards for journalism in the “Green Feather” category. Polina Pencheva - responsible editor of, was awarded for the ESG section of the site, Desislava Botzeva for podcasts on “green” topics, and Zhivka Popatanasova for a series of materials related to quality of life and green economy.

“When we launched bTV Business News just 2 years ago, we were convinced that the ESG section would be one of our leading and differentiating features. In the beginning, it was difficult to explain to small companies what exactly it meant and how important it was to share their experiences on this topic.  There is not a single person we have interviewed today who is not aware of the importance of green policies in the economy. I consider this a victory for journalism and that we have done our job well, because the right information has reached the right people,” said Polina Pencheva. Her awarded materials are published in the ESG section of and are related to reuse and recycling of used mattresses, air purification through microalgae, reuse of refurbished electronic devices.

“I would like to thank b2b Media and the jury of the competition for the award! It is a recognition not only for me, but also for my colleagues at bTV Business News and bTV Media Group, because we work together to develop green themes. We have also filmed many companies that have made sustainable practices a focus of their development,” said Zhivka Popatanassova. Her materials that earned recognition in the competition are related to sustainable mobility and reducing the use of plastic.

“Our website is a testimony that when something is done with love, it succeeds. For 2 years the web platform has achieved a lot. Part of our job is to develop green themes, and to show our readers how important it is to live green. I wish our team many more successes and let's continue to be objective, interesting, and useful,” said Desislava Botzeva. Her original videos on the Business Video Podcast include interviews on going green and sustainability, green energy, and nuclear power.