A team of scientists from the “Acad. Evgeni Budevski” Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems at BAS (IEES-BAS) headed by the President of BAS Corr. Memb. Evelina Slavcheva, DSc, started the second of a series of training courses under the Green Skills for Hydrogen project.
The start of the training sessions was given on 24 March with a welcome address by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nedelina Kostadinova, Secretary General of Trakia University, Stara Zagora. On behalf of the hosts and especially on behalf of the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Dobri Yarkov, she congratulated the participants for their decision to join this key course on hydrogen energy and expressed her confidence that all present in the room were part or would be part of the new generation of specialists in this industry.
Corr. Memb. Evelina Slavcheva made a subsequent introductory online presentation of the Green Skills for Hydrogen project and its goal to develop and implement a sustainable education strategy to support the rapidly growing hydrogen economy in EU countries, and in the medium and long term this will happen also in Bulgaria. She pointed out that “in the short term, the project aims to create, validate and operationalize curricula and programmes for up-skilling, re-skilling and career development that will provide new employment opportunities in the hydrogen sector and this is particularly relevant for the regions of Stara Zagora, Pernik, Kyustendil and those with an upcoming energy transition”. Corr. Memb. Slavcheva introduced the numerous audience with the expert level of the scientists from IEES-BAS achieved as a result of many years of research work on fundamental, applied and infrastructure projects in the innovative field of hydrogen technologies. At the end of the course presentation, she expressed the team’s desire to gain new supporters for the cause of hydrogen energy.
Many people are interested in studying hydrogen technology as a key element in the energy transition towards decarbonisation and climate neutrality. Participants of the Hydrogen Energy course are 80 people – students and their teachers, high school teachers, engineers, technologists, experts and managers of public and private companies and organizations from different sectors of the economy and different cities of the country.
Classes will continue daily for the rest of the week. The theoretical lectures in the programme are devoted to hydrogen as an energy vector, hydrogen technologies for green energy and their applications in energy and transport, safety in handling hydrogen, the hydrogen economy and the adopted initiatives and regulatory framework in the EU and Bulgaria. Practical sessions include demonstrations of green hydrogen production by electrolysis of water, electrochemical compression of hydrogen and electricity generation in a fuel cell as well as demonstration, training and test driving of a hydrogen electric vehicle.
This Hydrogen Energy course is organized in collaboration with the HITMOBIL Centre of Competence and the Institute for Sustainable Transition and Development (ISTD-TrU) at Trakia University.
The next course will be held under the title “Hydrogen in Transport and Industry” in the period 7-11 April 2025 at the “Nikola Y. Vaptsarov” Naval Academy “, Varna. For information and registration click HERE.