David Gilmour Lyrics

Related artists:
Pink Floyd

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album: "David Gilmour" (1978)
David Gilmour - David Gilmour album cover
Raise My Rent
It's Deafinitely
album: "About Face" (1984)
David Gilmour - About Face album cover
Let's Get Metaphysical
album: "On An Island" (2006)
David Gilmour - On An Island album cover
Red Sky At Night
Then I Close My Eyes
album: "Rattle That Lock" (2015)
David Gilmour - Rattle That Lock album cover
5 A.M.
And Then...
album: "Luck And Strange" (2024)
David Gilmour - Luck And Strange album cover
Black Cat
Vita Brevis
Luck And Strange (Original Barn Jam)
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