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Prediscovery Detections and Photometry of a Slowly Rising Probable M31 Nova AT2024rkz

ATel #16764; K. Hornoch (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech Republic), M. Zejda (DTPA, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic), H. Kucakova, M. Wolf (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic), L. M. Habrnalova (Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic), A. Castro, R. Michel (UNAM), A. W. Shafter (SDSU)
on 10 Aug 2024; 17:49 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Allen W. Shafter ([email protected])

Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 16836

We report several prediscovery detections and photometry of a slowly rising probable nova AT2024rkz discovered in M31 on Aug. 6.1417 UT by J. Zhao.

The following magnitudes were obtained using the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov (D65), the 0.8-m telescope at Zdanice (D80), and the 0.84-m telescope of the San Pedro Màrtir National Astronomical Observatory (S84):
  Date [UT]    |  Mag   | Err  | Filter  | Telescope 
2024-07-17.055 | >20.1  |      | R       | D65 
2024-07-20.887 | >19.9  |      | R       | D65 
2024-07-29.067 |  20.1  | 0.3  | R       | D65 
2024-07-30.092 | >19.5  |      | R       | D65 
2024-07-31.011 |  19.2  | 0.25 | R       | D65 
2024-08-02.397 |  19.2  | 0.15 | R       | S84 
2024-08-03.911 |  19.2  | 0.3  | R       | D65 
2024-08-03.933 |  19.0  | 0.2  | R       | D65 
2024-08-05.896 |  19.5  | 0.3  | R       | D65 
2024-08-06.924 |  18.9  | 0.2  | R       | D65 
2024-08-06.946 |  19.0  | 0.15 | R       | D65 
2024-08-07.054 |  19.2  | 0.1  | Sloan g | D80 
2024-08-07.056 |  19.1  | 0.15 | Sloan r | D80 
2024-08-07.057 |  19.0  | 0.3  | Sloan i | D80 
2024-08-09.862 |  18.3  | 0.15 | R       | D65 
As with all extragalactic novae, follow-up spectroscopic and photometric observations to confirm the nova's nature and determine its spectroscopic class and rate of decline (speed class) are encouraged.