This blog is intended for professional astronomers. The goal of AstroBetter is to provide information and tips about streamlining all the things we need to do astronomy well. Our discussions include computing, email management, paper organization, iPhone apps, and the like. In addition, we also provide methods for increasing productivity and efficiency in our self-directed work environment. It’s just too easy to focus on proposal deadlines and upcoming observing runs and blogging instead of actually writing papers! We scientists are not the only people with this problem and there are some really nice, motivating resources out there worth sharing.
Our intention is for this blog to be a dialog with lots of comments and readers’ personal experiences about what works for them. We want to hear from you. Could you use some advice for choosing which software to use for something (e.g., Bibdesk vs. Papers, TextMate vs. Emacs)? Did you find a better way to browse astro-ph? Or figure out a cool Python or AstroPy trick that lots of people could use? Suggest a topic or offer to guest post. Feel free to edit the wiki and add your own pages. Together, we can make some progress towards stopping this madness of everybody re-inventing the wheel. Together, we can AstroBetter.
Comments, requests, and guest posts are welcome!
Contact [email protected], and find us on Twitter at @astrobetter.
Current AstroBetter contributors:
- Kelle Cruz – About – Posts – @kellecruz
- Joanna Bridge – About – Posts – @bojibridge
We are incredibly grateful for the efforts of our past contributors:
- Jane Rigby – Posts – @janerrigby
- Jessica Lu – Posts – @jlu_astro
- Laura Trouille – Posts – @WindyCityAstro
- Chris Crockett – Posts
- Saurav Dhital – Posts
- Danny Barringer – Posts – @HeavyFe_H
- Thomas Robitaille – Posts – @astrofrog
- Jessica Kirkpatrick – Posts – @berkeleyjess
(Jan 2019: Moved from Linode to Reclaim)