Studying outside of UBC

Once admitted to UBC, you are generally expected to complete your degree requirements at UBC or on Go Global exchange.

Letters of Permission to study at other institutions

In certain circumstances, you can be granted permission to study outside of UBC with a Letter of Permission (LOP). You must be able to demonstrate that the course at another institution is an exceptional and unique opportunity to enhance your major or minor. Before you register at another institution, your LOP must be approved by Arts Academic Advising in order for transfer credits to count towards your degree.

You do not need a LOP if you:

  • Are taking courses at a partner university through Go Global Exchange
  • Are leaving UBC to complete your degree elsewhere
  • Do not intend to apply credit completed towards your Arts degree

You need a LOP for:


You are eligible to submit a LOP if you:

  • Have an average of at least 70% on your most recently completed Winter Session (not necessary for the Explore program)
  • Have completed the writing component of the Writing & Research requirement
  • Declared a major or minor (not necessary for the Explore or other immersive language programs)
  • Can demonstrate that the course at the other institution is an exceptional and unique opportunity to enhance your major or minor


  • A minimum of 50% of total degree credits, 50% of upper-level degree credits, and 50% of upper-level credits for each program (honours, major, or minor) must be completed while registered as a student in the Faculty of Arts. Go Global exchange credits are eligible to apply towards these minimums.
  • The final 30 credits for your degree must normally be completed at UBC.
  • Submission of a LOP request does not guarantee approval. Your case will be reviewed by Arts Academic Advising and you will be notified with a decision
  • LOP requests are considered for Arts courses only, except when a non-Arts course is required for an Arts major and is specifically recommended by your department as enriched study in or in support of your discipline
  • A course recommendation by your department does not guarantee that an LOP will be approved
  • LOPs do not guarantee that the credit earned will meet specific degree or program requirements
  • LOPs are considered only for transferable, accredited post-secondary institutions
  • LOPs do not guarantee your admission to another institution; you need to meet all entry requirements as a visiting student at the host institution
  • Concurrent registration at both UBC and other post-secondary institutions is not permitted
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