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Members Gallery

The Members Gallery is available for current members to display and sell their work. It's a laid-back non-juried exhibit open to all levels of artist AND medium.  New work alternates every two months. All work is for sale. Come visit and support our local artist’s or join and display your work!


  January 14, 2024

  March 10, 2024

  May 12, 2024

  July 14, 2024

  September 8, 2024

  November 10, 2024

How It Works


  • All work must be submitted ONLINE before intake

  • Artwork changes out on the second Sunday, every two months

  • $8 submission fee per piece

  • Up to three pieces per artist

  • All mediums accepted

  • Once a piece sells, another piece can be brought in to replace it

  • All work must be for sale

  • Must follow Art Center Exhibit Guidelines

  • Hand deliver work between 11am - 1:45pm pm on exchange day

  • If online submission deadline is missed, email submissions to [email protected] and bring artwork on exchange day

  • NO artwork will be accepted after exchange date

  • Art Center retains 30% of all sales to support exhibits program

  • A late fee will be assessed if artwork is not picked up by exchange date

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