Animation Masters Summit (AMS) is an annual event celebrated by Toonz Media Group, a leading name in animation and Kids & Family Entertainment. Established in 1999 as the first ever animation event in India called “Week with the Masters”, it was recently renamed as Animation Masters Summit (AMS).
Animation Masters Summit celebrates the beautiful art of animation, bringing talents and experts from around the global animation Industry to interact with aspiring young talents. The event also offers a platform for masters to offer inspirations and insights on what it takes to create, connect and drive engaging content in this invigorating new entertainment era.
Animation Masters Summit is Toonz’s way of giving back to the artistic community. The mission of the Summit is to create an ecosystem of knowledge sharing, which in turn builds a great environment for animation to grow in India and the world over. This prestigious event has hosted masters like Rob Coleman, Bill Plympton, Devdutt Patnaik, Resul Pookutty, Geetanjali Rao, Dhimant Vyas and celebrated Indian animation legends like Ram Mohan, Bhimsain Khurana and V G Samant, and many more.
CEO, Gamitronics
Film Director and Producer
Visual Development Artist & Production Designer
Managing Director of Framestore India
Executive Head, CFOL, FTII
Creator, Storyteller
Voice Artiste
P. Jayakumar, CEO – Toonz Media Group
Sanjay Gupta – Country Head & VP, Google India
Ashish Kulkarni – FICCI Chairman for Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comics Forum
Mr Aabid Surti – Renowned artist, cartoonist, writer,
painter and environmentalis
Biren Ghose – Country Head, Technicolor India
Anish Narayanankutty – Festival Director, Animation Masters Summit 2022
Filmmaker, Animator, Ad-film Director
Chairman, Chocolate Moose Media
President Distribution and Feature Films Divisions, Toonz Media Group
Content Creator, Development Consultant & Producer
Vice President International Sales & Distribution at Pinnacle Peak Pictures
Festival Director, Animation Masters Summit 2022
I was quite honoured to be invited to the Week with the masters event, Jaya and his team were wonderful hosts, I met with some very cool people young and old. Best part was the tangible love I felt from the audience when I did my presentation I never knew my characters and stories were so much appreciated in this part of the world! India and Toonz love Oggy!! and Olivier loves Toonz.
The Week with the Masters that Toonz initiated shall always remain a memorable experience to me. Some of the best artists and filmmakers from across the globe were invited to share their works and participants could interact leisurely and informally with the Masters. Simply watching the Masters' journeys was a huge inspiration, and i shall always be grateful to Toonz for that. I am glad that Toonz has reignited the same spirit by hosting the Masters Summit over the past few years.
It was a great summit with enthusiastic participation of young animators that I enjoyed
The first time I went for the Week with the Masters was in 1999 when I was beginning my career and setting up Famous House of Animation in Mumbai. That was the first chapter ever of the Masters Summit. When I was invited as a master 16 years later, I was not sure whether I was worthy but the Toonz family was so warm and hospitable that they made it a wonderful experience for me. This also is an unbelievable platform for animation in India to submerge and interact. It is like a recharge that one needs periodically to keep oneself going. Keep at it Team Toonz with such a generous initiative!
Yes. You will need to register. Please send an email to [email protected] and we will help with you with the process.
No. The registration is free of charges.
There will be a Q&A session for the audience after each presentation.
Yes. You can attend as many sessions as you want.
No, the Flying Elephant Competition has been temporarily put on hold. For any further details please email us at [email protected]