Altos V2

World's First Mass-Produced 4-chip Cascaded Imaging Radar Based on TI's TDA4

Point Cloud Comparison

Top European Tier-1 (The Best Imaging Radar one in 2024)      vs      Altos V2

Capture and Display settings are identical

Yellow - Lidar (groud Truth), Green - Radar (Stationary ), Purple - Radar (Approaching), Red - Radar (Departing)

Capture and Display settings are identical

Points are colored by height. Camera and Lidar serves as reference

Demo video  -  3D Mapping

Demo video  -  Detection Range

Demo video  -  Angular Dynamic Range

Demo video  -  Short Range Imaging Capability

For More Demos  -  Altos Radar Youtube Channel


Ready to Ship to World Wide Today! 

Los Altos, CA, USA  @2024

[email protected]