Friday, March 21st | 22 Adar 5785

March 18, 2025 11:52 am

South Africa Has Launched Another Effort to Attack Israel; Will It Ever Be Enough?

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Anti-Israel protesters march through the streets of the township of Lenasia in Johannesburg, South Africa, Oct. 6, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Ihsaan Haffejee

It’s hard to express the extent of the disappointment that the Jewish community of South Africa has held towards the elected government of our country since October 7, 2023.

Despite rumors to the contrary, South Africa (or at least Johannesburg, the main Jewish city in the country) is still one of the easiest, safest places on Earth to live as a proud Jew —  but you would be excused for thinking the worst based on the words and actions of our so-called leaders.

President Cyril Ramaphosa and his party, the African National Congress (ANC), have betrayed not just South Africa’s loyal Jewish community, but the very ideals on which post-Apartheid South Africa was formed: ideals crafted by the ANC itself under the exceptional stewardship of Nelson Mandela.

Immediately following Hamas’ unspeakably barbaric attack on Israel, the ANC’s minister of the department of international relations and cooperation (DIRCO) — Naledi Pandor — phoned the leaders of Hamas to offer her support. South Africa also took Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on patently false charges of genocide.

To no one’s surprise, South Africa is now spear-heading a brand new anti-Israel initiative called The Hague Group.

Joining South Africa in The Hague Group are the governments of Malaysia, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Malaysia, and Namibia — all of which either have terrible human rights records of their own or, like South Africa, are so plagued by the likes of corruption and sky-high violent crime rates that it’s rather difficult to believe that the whole thing is anything but a cynical ploy to divert attention from their own countries’ woes.

It becomes increasingly difficult to give The Hague Group any benefit of the doubt, as its blatant one-sidedness and single-mindedness makes it clear that though its goals may be crouched in human rights, international law, and democracy, they are anything but noble.

It would be one thing if it was set up to enforce international law and UN resolutions against not just Israel, but against all countries across the globe — for example, if it was about protecting the Uyghurs in China, the Ukrainians from Putin’s Russia or the women of Iran from the Islamic Republic, as well as advocating for the Palestinian people.

But obviously it has no interest in other conflicts or any actual genocides; the whole effort is only an attempt to demonize and destroy Israel.

There are obviously precisely zero references to the events of October 7th or even Hamas in any of The Hague Group’s writings. There is also no mention of the influence of the Islamic Republic, the Palestinian Authority’s “Pay-for-Slay” program, the use of Palestinian civilians as human shields, or the constant barrage of rocket attacks from the Islamic Republic’s direct proxies in Hezbollah and the Houthis.

When South African President Ramaphosa proudly announced the formation of The Hague Group at the end of February, he once again doubled down on laying all the blame for the current war and the whole conflict squarely at the feet of Israel.

But then, none of this was unexpected. This is a political party and leadership that directly phoned Hamas after October 7. And it’s the very same ruling party that has rolled out the red carpet for members of Hamas, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia, and war criminals like Vladimir Putin and Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president charged with effectively orchestrating the actual genocide in South Sudan.

No surprise, then, that the launch of The Hague group was attended by a who’s who of anti-Israel individuals and groups, including the likes of NGOs Al-Haq and Al-Mezan, both of which have ties to radical Islamism and include members linked to Hamas and the Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine. As for Progressive International, the parent organization of The Hague Group, it includes numerous extreme far-left groups like Code Pink, Students for Justice in Palestine, Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and Momentum (UK), whose demonizations of Israel and praise for radical Islamist extremists would take too long to catalogue here.

To reiterate, South Africa is still a good place to live as a Jew. It’s just a place with a government, or at least a ruling party, that never misses an opportunity to squander any and all good will that comes their way. Some of it is incompetence. Some of it is corruption. And some of it, as in the case of The Hague Group, is about Soviet-era alliances that are as obsolete as they are dangerous — which is why the ANC has little shame about betraying the many South African Jews who joined the struggle against Apartheid and helped create a new South Africa. It also explains why South Africa is currently realigning the whole country with despotic regimes that represent the very opposite of the liberal-democratic ideals encapsulated in our constitution.

Of course, none of this will be of any help whatsoever to actual Palestinians  — but for South Africa’s leaders, that’s besides the point.

Ilan Preskovsky is a freelance features writers, film critic and columnist whose work can most frequently be found on South Africa’s biggest news site, News24, and across a wide variety of local and international publications, both Jewish and otherwise.

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