

Jan 21, 2022

What if you don’t have a tent⁉️ Which one would you pick❓

🌤Heat loss is your greatest threat-finding or constructing a shelter to keep you dry and out of the elements is critical.

🏕 Man-made shelters such as a lean-to, a tripod, a snow trench or quinzhee all provide increased chances for prolonged survival, but may require training and practice to perfect. If daylight conditions permit, you could look for a natural shelter, like the windless side of an overhanging rock, cave, or a niche under a tree. Remember these are also natural homes for wildlife. 🐾

🌲To Hug-A-Tree and Survive in Winter ❆

👉 Pick a medium-sized tree with branches close to the ground that has snow piled around

⛏Dig out a trench around the trunk or,

🌿 If a large branch is buried in the snow, dig a pocket just big enough for you beneath it, using the branch as a roof.

💨 Snow is an excellent insulator and windbreaker. Avoid direct contact because it cools the body. Build on top of it to provide additional insulation.

No matter what type of shelter you find, build a nest or bed out of evergreen boughs or leaves, to provide insulation from the cold/damp ground. Before entering your shelter, remember to tuck in and zip up your clothes.👖

⛑Following these suggestions may increase your chances of survival. But, like anyone who is lost, you will want to be found as soon as possible. It is difficult for searchers to see or hear a person who is in a shelter, so be sure to leave signs telling searchers you are nearby. 🙋🏻‍♂️

For more tips on Heath & Safety and shelter building: