Viral Vaccinology
Recent papers in Viral Vaccinology
An overview of how viruses-retroviruses could be utilized as to instigate viral bio-weaponization and bio-warfare (much like other pathogens as bacteria, fungi, etc.), as well as a highlight of the history of how this has occurred in the... more
This study detected and subtyped strains of influenza virus from pigs in Lagos, South-western Nigeria. A total of 116 (58 nasal and 58 throat) samples from healthy pigs were analysed from two different sites in Ayedoto farm at Ojo Local... more
Approximately 15 million deaths occur worldwide by infections and about 20% of which are only because of viral infections. Multivalent vaccines can be administered to cut costs of vaccination in economically challenging countries. On the... more
Program studi pendid ikan sosiologi akultas ilmu sosial Universitas Negeri Makassar Abstrak Dayak adalah nama kolektif untuk berbagai suku asli di Kalimantan secara umum dan dapat di katakan bahwa masyarakat-masyarakat yang tergolong di... more
Purpose: In the United States, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen’s coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines have been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine presently approved by the US Food and... more
The viral load and CD4 count are two measures used to monitor the health status of individuals with HIV that is why the assessment on ART affects CD 4 count and viral load for the patients taking ART at Kicukiro health center has been... more
Long-term persistent viral infections cause substantial morbidity and associated economic losses in human and veterinary contexts. Yet, the mechanisms associated with establishment of persistent infections are poorly elucidated. We... more
Alcelaphine herpesvirus–1 (AlHV-1), a causative agent of malignant catarrhal fever in cattle, was detected in wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) placenta tissue for the first time. Although viral load was low, the finding of viral DNA in... more
Abstract Background: The reliable laboratory tests, co-infection with other tumor viruses, and determining the genetic types are very important for therapy and monitoring of the clinical status of human immunodeficiency virus... more
The lack of a clear correlation between the levels of antibody to pertussis antigens and protection against disease lends credence to the possibility that cell-mediated immunity provides primary protection against disease. This phase I... more
This review paper highlights the recent developments made in the use of plant viral expression vectors and application of agroinfilteration techniques. Plant virus expression vectors were designed to express a gene of interest in plant... more
Hepatitis C is one of the foremost challenging diseases all over the world. No vaccine has been developed, yet against Hepatitis C virus (HCV). This is partly due to the high mutation rate in the HCV genome, which generates new genotypes... more