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Teaching of translation and writing in the university classroom tends to focus on task knowledge by practicing text production and analyzing and discussing the quality of products. In this article, we will argue that the outcome of... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryBible TranslationTranslation
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryEnglish Arabic TranslationTranslation
Herausgegeben von Franziska Heidrich und Klaus Schubert, University publishing house Hildesheim 2020 -- "Technical communication - controlled, regulated, optimized" Specialist communication - this is targeted, controlled... more
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      German StudiesTranslation StudiesGermanic linguisticsTranslation theory
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      PhilosophyRhetoricTranslation StudiesArt
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      Translation theoryBible TranslationAllusionIntertextuality and Allusion
Bilingualism basically defined as having been brought up with two languages and being more or less equally competent in using both languages is a significant phenomenon in this information era requiring frequent access and communication... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTranslation theoryApplied Linguistics
LA PATRIA PERDIDA O IMAGINADA: TRANSLATING TEODORO TORRES IN “EL MEXICO DE AFUERA” by ETHRIAM CASH BRAMMER December 2011 Advisor: Dr. Renata Wasserman Major: English Degree: Doctor of Philosophy One resent result of the Recovery of the... more
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      Translation theoryNational IdentityRacial discriminationUnited States
The concept of equivalence has for many years attracted attention of researchers in variousdisciplines: from mathematics to philosophy to translation theory to terminology. This thesisintends to su ...
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      HumanitiesTranslation theoryTerminologyLexicography
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      Cultural StudiesTranslation StudiesAssessmentTranslation theory
Maria T. Sanchez University of Aberdeen UK ABSTRACT Interpreting trainees usually need some time and a lot of practice before they fully realize that note-taking in consecutive interpreting is only an aid to memory and a result of fully... more
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      PsychologyTranslation StudiesMachine TranslationTranslation theory
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      Translation theoryRacial discriminationLatin AmericanTranslation Theory
Translation activity in culture cannot take place in isolation from experience of culture and technological environment. Underlying the diversity of communication processes is the progression from printed media towards hypermedia and new... more
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      SemioticsTranslation StudiesSemiotics Of CultureIntersemiotic Translation
Si mettono a confronto il volgarizzamento della «Poetica» di Lodovico Castelvetro (Vienna, 1570) e i «Petri Victorii Commentarii in primum librum Arsitotelis De Arte Poetarum», un'opera di riferimento per chi traduceva o commentava il... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyTranslation StudiesGreek translation
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryLinguisticsLiterary studies
An eight-category typology is presented with examples for translations between Spanish and English. The principles underlying the typology are explained, as are some of the ways it can be used in class.
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryBible TranslationTranslation and Interpretation
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      Discourse AnalysisComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
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      Discourse AnalysisComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
This volume aims above all to problematize the concept and practice of translation in an interconnected world in which English, despite its hegemonic status, can no longer be considered a coherent unified entity but rather a mobile... more
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      Translation StudiesGlobalisation and cultural changeEnglish languageTranslation theory
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      Translation theoryTranslation Theory
Some translation scholars want us all to be political activists, as is their right and perhaps obligation. The moral connection between politics and translation usually concerns two kinds of observation: first, only rich and powerful... more
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      PsychologyTranslation StudiesTranslation theoryPolitics
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslationTranslation Theory
Translation theory is never dogmatized. It is a dynamic and ever changing process. It is expected to respond positively to new developments in the studies of language and style. Cognitive stylistics is one of the major new developments in... more
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      Translation theoryRussian FormalismTranslation Theory
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      Translation theoryLinguisticsCultural DiversityLiterary translation
This paper analyses the issue of a cognitive model of translation as a matrix structure that provides a new perspective for 19 mapping the translation process. This research is based on J. Holmes’s idea of an integrated approach in... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryMatrix TheorySociological Models of Translation and Interpreting
Le présent article traite de la question de la traduction du Coran selon deux perspectives. Dans une première partie historique, depuis l’aube de l’Islam jusqu’à l’époque contemporaine, il s’agira de mettre au jour les motivations... more
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      Translation StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsTranslation theoryBible Translation
Early in its development, translation studies quickly abandoned a quest for a general theory. Rather, approaches to translation have evolved toward fragmentary theorisations. There was first the ‘linguistic turn’ about fifty years ago;... more
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      Translation StudiesTheory of translationPhilosophy of TranslationTranslation Theory
Стиви Смит обнаружила в поэзии область, ни до нее, ни после нее в таком чистом виде не существовавшую — и не только потому, что не было никогда раньше такой, как она, Стиви, с ее детством, ее нравом, ее мышлением и ее голосом, а потому... more
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      English LiteratureTranslation StudiesRussian PoetryLiterary translation
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      Translation theoryLiterary translationTranslation Theory
éruditest un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'Université de Montréal, l'Université Laval et l'Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la... more
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      Cultural StudiesTranslation StudiesTranslation theoryLinguistics
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      Translation StudiesArtTranslation theoryEnglish Renaissance Literature
This article focuses on the process of collectively translating a short text by Carlo Lucarelli, a prominent Italian crime writer. Lucarelli’s novels explore a range of problems affecting contemporary Italian society, including... more
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      EngineeringTranslation theoryIntertextualityPeer learning
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryDutch LiteratureAcademia
Mohammad Ahmed Al-Jabali King Saud University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abdul-Aziz bin Abdulrahman Abanomey King Saud University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the factors that can influence the peer review... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryBible TranslationTranslation of Poetry
The article describes the Warsaw School of Translatorics, which has its origins in Warsaw academic institutions (especially the University of Warsaw). It was shaped by the representatives of these centers, and over time the concepts... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslation HistoryHistory of Translation
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryBiologyTraductology
🔶 داریوش آشوری، در مقام زبان‌شناس و مترجم و فرهنگ‌نویس، مفتخر است که واژه‌سازی می‌کند و برای بسیاری از کلمات و اصطلاحات فلسفه و علوم انسانی در زبان‌های اروپایی واژه‌سازی کرده است و آنها را به فارسی برگردانده است، که البته برخی از آنها... more
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      PhilosophyTranslation StudiesTranslation and InterpretingEuropean philosophy
The aim of this paper is to present a brief review of translation techniques and study the development of Vinay and Darbelnet’s initial proposal (henceforth ‘the initial proposal’). For some people, the study of translation techniques is... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslation StrategiesTranslation Theory
Las reflexiones sobre la actividad de traduccion y sus resultados han estado marcadas historicamente por el mayor o menor alejamiento respecto de la obra original. Tambien a traves del tiempo se ha intentado dar respuesta a la pregunta... more
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      Cultural StudiesTranslation StudiesArtTranslation theory
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureTranslation StudiesArt
"Eliot, Akhmatova, Brodsky: three Virgilian moments." Zakhar Ishov (Yale) As early as in 1969 Brodsky wrote what can be described as his first "Virgilian" poem: 'Didona i Enei.' A remarkable poem in itself, it is also the earliest... more
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      T.S. EliotJoseph BrodskyAnna AkhmatovaLatin poetry
Tradurre Figure / Translating Figurative Language offers 27 original contributions on the interlingual translation of figurative language. The chapters were first presented at an international conference held at the University of Bologna... more
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      Translation StudiesArtTranslation theoryConceptual Metaphor
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryBiologyTraductology
Sul 'fare vedere' nella traduzione: la prosa estetica inglese in alcune versioni italiane Nel saggio "Les sémaphores sous la plouie" Umberto Eco discute la questione della rappresentazione verbale dello spazio facendo riferimento ad opere... more
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    • Translation Theory
Resumen: Este artículo explica una propuesta metodológica y describe los pasos para llegar a validar el carácter de neonimicidad de los candidatos identificados en el área de la nanotecnología. Como resultado de esta investigación se... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTerminologyTranslation and Interpretation
“It goes without saying that but little use can be made of Lucretius” [Es versteht sich, dass Lucretius nur wenig benutzt werden kann].1 So, by way of preface or prophylaxis, opens the fourth of Marx’s Notebooks on Epicurean Philosophy,... more
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      PhilosophyTranslation StudiesMarxismTheodor Adorno