Television And Social Change
Recent papers in Television And Social Change
The 20th anniversary edition of EL TIGRE (2021) – with a new Preface about the relationship between Televisa and President López Obrador and the legacy of Azcárraga Milmo – is available at the following sites: IN THE USA (e-book):... more
This chapter considers the significance of social class and gender in relation to authorship and emotion, situating these tenets as key critical contexts for interpreting This Is England’86 (Channel 4, 2010), This Is England’88 (Channel... more
El objetivo de este ensayo es presentar la problemática de la televisión mexicana en su contexto histórico desde su inicio hasta la actualidad. Partimos de la premisa que el desarrollo científico-tecnológico en general y de la televisión... more
Black public-affairs television programming in New York City between 1967 and 1968 happened because of a convergence of several factors. They include (a) the upheavals in urban America between 1964 and 1967, (b) the release of the Report... more
Leif Kramp untersucht erstmals umfassend die Gedächtnisrelevanz des Massenmediums Fernsehen sowie den archivischen und musealen Umgang mit der Fernsehgeschichte. Anknüpfend an die interdisziplinären Zweige der Gedächtnisforschung... more
Examines the bleak television comedies that illustrate the obsession of the white left with its own anxiety and suffering At the same time that right-wing political figures like Donald Trump were elected and reactionary socio-economic... more
El personaje de Claire Dunphy de la serie de television Modern Family es un ama de casa casada con tres hijos que esta totalmente dedicada a su hogar, esposo e hijos. El presente analisis se enfrenta el modelo femenino propuesto por el... more
This essay investigates forensic fiction as a trend in televised crime fiction and argues that this trend or subgenre is particularly interesting if we are to understand how surveillance is portrayed in contemporary society. The essay... more
The history of development in Africa is littered with all sorts of experiments and projects centred on new technologies often presented as a panacea to the problems of health, education, or agricultural production.The failure of some of... more
Lunceford, Brett. Review of Brand New You: Makeover Television and the American Dream by Katherine Sender. American Communication Journal, 18, no. 1 (2016): 66-67.
Satellite television centres in Nigeria have grown with the popularity of foreign football, especially international competitions. This study identifies the social significance, especially the uses and abuses of satellite television... more
The rise of mass television allowed hundreds of millions of people to closely watch other people and places on a regular basis, anonymously and from afar. Television watching altered the balance of what different types of people knew... more
Los Andes, Mendoza, 26 abril, 2018. Tal como explica Hannah Arendt en La condición humana, la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas ha sido tradicionalmente confinada por las diversas culturas a ámbitos de privacidad y/o intimidad. Las... more
Per comprendere la televisione, un’analisi della sua evoluzione tecnologica non basta. Bisogna contestualizzare la sua mediamorfosi anche in rapporto con gli altri mezzi di comunicazione, con le loro forme culturali e con una società... more
An investigation into the ecological impact of Planet Earth II, and asking whether it can be used as a model for future natural history programming. Featuring an interview from Planet Earth II producer Elizabeth White, a survey of the... more
Review of Television After TV: essays on a medium in transition edited by Lynn Spigel and Jan Olsson. Duke University Press. (2005)
A new breed of ‘Obsodrama’ Don’t write questions. Just write what you see. Don’t make yourself into a punctuation mark in life’ David Simon - Hay on Wye, 2009 This... more
DIRECT RESPONSE advertising is not only the preserve of marketers without retail distribution. It can be an integral part of communication strategies where the objective is to achieve accountability, customer information or sales leads,... more
RESUM Aquesta ponència es proposa explorar el procés segons el qual durant la primera meitat del segle XX va haver-hi tres " intrusos tecnològics " , que es van integrar amb força naturalitat al món domès-tic tot trencant el seu silenci i... more
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics, 2014, vol 2, pp. 183-88.
On the significance of print, radio, tv and internet for Muslims' understandings of Islam.
On the significance of print, radio, tv and internet for Muslims' understandings of Islam.
With user preference driving the digital innovations of televisions, the opportunities for viewers with disability to access television via broadband and digital platforms are profound. Viewers with disability have the potential to... more
"A history of Italian tv broadcasting in its vital but confuse shift from a state owned monopoly to a duopoly between private and public broadcasting. A period that ends with reality television and the coming of digital television. La... more
Los audiovisuales forman parte de la vida cotidiana de la infancia, construyendo con ellos una parte de la realidad que muchas veces se anticipa y otras sustituye. Este artículo se interesa por una de las partes del binomio audiovisual,... more
Childhood Cartoons Compilation: Cartoons of 90s, on and beyond: My Childhood Tele Shows Collection
Under Construction…..
Under Construction…..
This paper explores the production process behind charity appeals in the context of developing Philippines. INGO appeals have traditionally been studied through textual analyses that expose their use of shock effect techniques and... more
Television series are among the most important television products and are indispensable as prime-time representatives of a broadcast generation that international television channels put a strong emphasis on. Both the quality of the... more
Family Guy is well known for the harsh social criticism it performs embodied in the 'innocence' of typically childish cartoons, together with the provocative humor that sometimes crosses the line of the politically correct. In this essay,... more
Le monstre, cette figure mythique dont tous les artistes et les sociétés s’emparent pour raconter une histoire. Mais quel est-il ? Un cyclope dans L’Odyssée de Homère, une sorcière pour la société moyenâgeuse, la légende qui... more
Tenendo un approccio in parte storiografico, e in parte di analisi industriale, l’obbiettivo che questo testo si prefigge è quello di, da una parte, rendere evidenti quelli che sono stati i motivi che hanno reso Netflix un’impresa di... more
Ante la disyuntiva de cómo cambiar los medios de comunicación o de cómo hacer para usarlos correctamente, la ponencia se decanta por la segunda opción: es necesario empezar a dejar de hablar tanto de los contenidos de los medios de... more
Difficult Women analyses select case studies from international TV dramas to examine the unresolved feminist issues they raise or address: equal labor force participation, the demand for sexual pleasure and freedom, opposition to sexual... more
En este texto se ha buscado realizar un primer acercamiento a lo que significa la TV Digital Terrestre en el contexto boliviano. Está escrito a modo de ensayo de carácter prospectivo y provocador, conducente a una discusión abierta que... more
The publication of the sixth volume of the official history of the BBC, Pinkoes and Traitors: The BBC and the nation 1974‐1987 by Jean Seaton is reviewed. The book is found to contain numerous errors, mis‐statements of facts and... more
The world is now concerned about the better ecology for tomorrow. This has started to look to the best ways in managing the different kinds of waste and various methods of its disposal. Managing perishable waste thrown out by the... more