Republican Rome
Recent papers in Republican Rome
The discussion on the spread of convivial luxury involving key figures of late Republican Rome reported in a passage of the 3rd book of the Saturnalia gives the opportunity to notice that around the end of the 4th century CE and the... more
Preface; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials, technique and building devices; 3 The foundation and the core of the podium and of the tribunal; 4 The measuring system and proportions of the temple; 5 The facing of he podium and the tribunal; 6 The... more
This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach combining research methods in history and political science to propose that the fundamental cause of Rome’s entry into and later domination of the Greek world was its reaction to a series of... more
La querela inofficiosi testamenti no conocía del litisconsorcio. Cuando había más de un coheredero forzoso, cada uno de ellos interponía su acción independientemente de los otros, con el objetivo de conseguir la cuota hereditaria que le... more
Ce livre offre un vaste panorama de l’histoire de la République romaine, saisie à l’époque de son apogée et envisagée dans son inexorable déclin. Embrassant ainsi une période qui va du milieu du IIè s. av. J.-C. à la mort de César, il ne... more
Throughout the 20th century, scholars have initiated a process aiming to overcome social biases, especially from scholarly studies of the Roman Republic (509–27 BC) where women remain silent. In this paper, I reassess women’s experiences... more
Les crises, écrivait le spécialiste de la Rome antique, Pierre Cosme, dans L’année des quatre empereurs, sont « révélatrices du fonctionnement d’un système politique ». Le Ier siècle av. J.-C. est pour le monde romain synonyme... more
This paper examines Francesco Guicciardini's various efforts to engage, evade or protest Machiavelli's arguments concerning social class, the constitution of liberty and preferable forms of tyranny in his "Considerations on Machiavelli's... more
This is the text of a talk I gave for the SCS’s 2016 conference in San Francisco. All translation are my own, as are all errors. The actions taken by the members of the Ordo Matronae to avoid a proposed tax on their members in 42BCE... more
Part I surveys the development of Rome’s physical topography and urban image from hut village to imperial city. Part II focuses on administration, infrastructure, maintenance, population and housing, economy and production, water and food... more
The genealogy of the Postumii Albini from the second half of the second century BCE onwards is uncertain and debated. This article attempts a new discussion of the evidence. Its main contention is that A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 99,... more
This is an old paper deriving from the Albegna Valley Survey, directed by myself and Maria Grazia Celuzza. It looks at the relationship between the sites discovered and the centuriation of the territory of Saturnia, detecting a dense... more
This book deals with the fate of one of the oldest and largest tangible remains of ancient Rome: the fourth century BCE city wall, incorporated in the city's symbol of modernity, the central train station of Termini. Through a... more
It is a commonplace to point out that Rome's rapid rise to power in the ancient world resulted in great measure from its position in the Italian peninsula. Surrounded by mountains on all sides except on the south the Urbs is situated in... more
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
È opinione comune, presso gli studiosi moderni, che i giudici privati del processo civile romano (giudici monocratici o recuperatores) appartenessero alle classi sociali più elevate e più colte e che mantenessero, nel ricoprire il loro... more
This article aims at throwing light on the connection between the municipal élite of Lanuvium and some members of Rome’s senatorial aristocracy. In particular, from the examination of the sources, a picture of a close tie between the... more
« À peine t'ai-je aperçue, Lesbia, que ma voix expire dans ma bouche ; ma langue est paralysée, un feu subtil coule dans mes membres, un bourdonnement intérieur fait tinter mes oreilles et une double nuit s'étend sur mes yeux 1. »... more
Campaigns of Germanicus, AD 13-16 describes briefly the campaigns, joint and combined ops., tactics, strategy, foreign policy, espionage, intelligence gathering, and strategy between ca. 60 BC and AD 150 with particular focus on... more
The ancient tradition of Pompey’s celebrating his first triumphs as pro praetore and pro consule nominated by the Senate is contrary to the rule, according to which only high magistrates had ius triumphandi. To resolve this controversy,... more
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
The scope of Hamilton’s project is not historical reconstruction, but an “attempt to show what the Romans were as they appear in their great authors” (263). Hamilton’s aim is to pinpoint the peculiar Roman qualities that distinguished... more
A pesquisa visa aprofundar, a partir dos Discursos sobre a primeira década de Tito Lívio e História de Florença , a teoria do conflito em Maquiavel, defendendo o confronto dos desejos de povo e grandes como a fundamentação de sua... more
Au cours des dernières décennies, la recherche sur l’aristocratie romaine s’est largement diversifiée en s’ouvrant, au-delà des aspects politiques et prosopographiques bien défrichés, à de nouvelles problématiques telles que les formes de... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Lo studio affronta alcuni aspetti inerenti al tema della legittimazione attiva e passiva ai processi di querela inofficiosi testamenti. Il volume si sviluppa lungo quattro capitoli. Il primo ha per oggetto le norme fondamentali sulla... more
Cornelia, daughter od Africanus Maior was very active in revolutions of her sons : Tiberius and Caius
Derya Şahin - Roma Mitolojisi