Recent papers in Pythagoreans
به طور کلی گام مجموعه ای است از اصوات که فواصل موسیقایی آنها در اکثر اوقات بین ۲ عدد ۱ و ۲ قرار می گیرد. عدد ۱ که اولین درجه گام است پایگی نام داشته و عدد ۲ اکتاو آن است که قاعدتا گام با آن بسته می شود. فرکانس اکتاو ۲ برابر پایگی است :... more
There is a long history of the uses of the term 'catharsis'. Nowadays the term usually designates a process by which the production of strong emotions by adequate representations (literature, cinema, videogames, etc.) or by real events... more
An exploration of Pythagorean-Platonic and Aristotelian-Thomistic Accounts of mathematics and science. This paper argues that mathematics is a specific form of abstraction. It concludes that science remains authentic when it maintains an... more
In 1887, Paul Tannery suggested that some ancient Pythagoreans defended a form of atomism against which Eleatic philosophers such as Zeno of Elea reacted. Later, Democritus and Leucippus on one hand, Plato on the other, developed... more
Remettant en cause l'approche simpliste qui a été promu sur les vers d'or ou dorés, l'auteur propose une approche métaphisique, ésotérique de l'oeuvre de Pythagore. Son introduction met en avant le fait que la poésie avant que d'être un... more
This paper gives an overview of the papyrological evidence for Pythagoras and (much less) the Pythagoreans, which is collected in "Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici" and in Christian Vassallo’s “Catalogue of the Evidence for Presocratics in... more
Special attention in this Newsletter for Nicomachus. Conferences, New books, Book reviews, Book chapters, Journal articles, Internet, and Academia.
The article continues the publication, for the first time, of a book left in manuscript by the Romanian orientalist Constantin Daniel. The last chapters of the book, included in the article, expose an exaggeratedly spiritual perspective... more
This paper discusses the notion of physis in the fragments of the Pythagoreans Philolaus of Croton and Archytas of Tarentum. Building on the twentieth-century discussion of the two basic meanings of physis, ‘growth’ and ‘being’ (section... more
Besides the accounts or the legends of later Greek and Latin authors, what remains of Pythagoreanism as an Italic philosophy are a few fragments and some pseudonymous texts. In such conditions, the critical work plays a necessary role,... more
The present study proposes a close reading of Dicearchus of Messana’s account of the circumstances surrounding Pythagoras’s death (fr. 41 Mirhady). As the analysis shows, the purpose of Dicearchus’ account was to demonstrate that at the... more
Carl Huffman. Introduction and curriculum vitae
Carl Huffman. Interview
2020 conferences, Internet,, Books, Book reviews, Book chapters and Journal articles. Archytas and Philolaus pictures.
Carl Huffman. Introduction and curriculum vitae
Carl Huffman. Interview
2020 conferences, Internet,, Books, Book reviews, Book chapters and Journal articles. Archytas and Philolaus pictures.
Le scénario global du Banquet se présente comme étonnant, voire énigmatique. Nous est présentée une très curieuse beuverie (sumposion) au cours de laquelle les convives ne s’adonnent pas à des agapes enjouées ni ne rivalisent de... more
Celem tego artykułu jest wykazanie, że w wiekach VI i V przed Chrystusem, w obrębie szkoły pitagorejczyków, zostały wypracowane dwa różne i radykalnie przeciwstawne systemy myśli. Można je określić, kolejno, jako systemy: mistyczny oraz... more
Axioms are presented which demonstrate that our system of Cartesian coordinates evolved from the Pythagorean concept of ratio, which arose from the discovery that the integers corresponded to the harmonies produced by a stretched string.... more
Οι Άραβες στο μελωδικό τους σύστημα ενέταξαν ως ανεξάρτητο το μακάμι Σαμπά (maqam Saba) στη θεωρία τους, δίχως να το τοποθετήσουν εντός μιας οικογένειας μακαμιών. Παρόλο που οι παλαιοί διδάσκαλοι ψαλμωδοί δεν μας παρέδωσαν τέτοιο είδος... more
Philosophers are among the most typical targets of fourth-century Attic Comedy, especially Pythagoreans who, as several fragments show, were frequently mocked on the Athenian stage. In two comic fragments, however, they are surprisingly... more
Revision and expansion of "An Inscription about a Pythagorean(?) at Delphi". Other inscriptions touching on the Pythagoreans are also mentioned. Because of the name, occupation and home state of the donor on a Delphic inscription and... more
Lucrarea incearca sa expuna o perspectiva extrem de spiritualizata asupra religiei si comunitatilor trace, in general, cu un accent special pus asupra lumii dacice. Aceasta perspectiva isi gaseste justificarea in rolul influent pe care... more
In the Cohortatio ad Graecos, a work included in Justin Martyr's corpus and recently attributed to the Monarchian Bishop Marcellus of Ancyra (cf. C. Riedweg, B. Pouderon), there is a passage dedicated to Pythagoras (cf. 19). Such a... more
The oldest members of the Pythagorean communities in Southern Italy are, in general, poorly known. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw a portrait of the members of the hetairia in some cities of Magna Graecia. The example of Poseidonia... more
Le Canon de Polyclète agencé selon un système de proportions (appelé symmetria) peut être considéré comme une mise application concrète de la théorie pythagoricienne des principes, des archai comme symmetriai, qui nous est connue par le... more
Fifth section of the first chapter of our online book "Winged Mythical Singers of Cosmic Music" (, where we deal with the hypothetical connections of the myth of Er with a Pythagorean exegesis of the... more
"La leggenda relativa alla città di Amyclae abbandonata per un'invasione di serpenti risale ad un nucleo tarantino di 4° s. a.C. : ὄφεις = « Ophikoi », Osci, scil. i Romani : Roma si spinge verso il Lazio meridionale costiero a scapito di... more
From the introduction (Vassallo): " Kilian J. Fleischer (Philolaus' Book(s) in Philodemus' Index Academicorum) discusses a familiar piece of information concerning Philolaus in the light of a new Herculaneum testimonium. Diogenes Laertius... more
The publication of the Arabic translation of Nicolaus Damascenus' De plantis confirms the identification of the mysterious philosopher ΛΕΧΙΝΕΟΣ in the Greek translation from Latin (from Arabic from Greek) with ΑΛΚΜΑΙΩΝ. This makes... more
The present paper deals with the portrait of the uncouth dining philosopher, as drawn in several texts belonging to the Second Sophistic period (Lucian, Alciphron, Athenaeus, Diogenes Laertius, and Aesop). This caricature philosopher... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura y la obra de Neantes, autor griego (originario de Cícico, en la Propóntide), cuya producción se situaba a medio camino entre los géneros histórico y paradoxográfico, y que se interesó también por la... more