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      Path planningParallel RobotParallel MechanismPath Planning
Planning the path of an autonomous,agile vehicle in a dynamic environment is a very complex problem, especially when the vehicle is required to use its full maneuvering capabilities. Recent efforts aimed at using randomized algorithms for... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringMotion PlanningPath planning
Many universities and institutes experience difficulty in training people to work with expensive equipments. A common problem faced by educational institutions concerns the limited availability of expensive robotics equipments, with which... more
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      PackagingModelingModeling and SimulationEducational Robotics
In this study we present our initial idea for using genetic algorithms to help a controllable mobile robot to find an optimal path between a starting and ending point in a grid environment. The mobile robot has to find the optimal path... more
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      Computer ScienceGenetic AlgorithmPath planningEvolutionary Robotics
the Line follower robot is a mobile machine that can detect and follow the line drawn on the floor. Generally, the path is predefined and can be either visible like a black line on a white surface with a high contrasted color or it can be... more
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      Path planningMagnetic fieldMobile RobotsInfrared
Abstract Trajectory planning is a fundamental issue for robotic applications and automation in general. The ability to generate trajectories with given features is a key point to ensure significant results in terms of quality and ease of... more
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      Path planningLiterature ReviewTrajectory PlanningRobot Path Planning
This paper presents our findings of current applications of computer games in design visualization and education, and our solution to address interoperability between games and building models to enhance architectural visualization and... more
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      EngineeringGame TheoryDesignVisualization
Planning the path of an autonomous, agile vehicle in a dynamic environment is a very complex problem, especially when the vehicle is required to use its full maneuvering capabilities. Recent efforts aimed at using randomized algorithms... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringMotion PlanningPath planning
We address the problem of hover flight and translational velocity regulation of a quad-rotorcraft UAV with the main objective of allowing the vehicle to navigate autonomously. This paper complements and improves previous researches... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringStabilityPath planningOptical Imaging
This paper addresses the issue of monitoring physical spatial phenomena of interest utilizing the information collected by a network of mobile, wireless and noisy sensors that can take discrete measurements as they navigate through the... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Spatial AnalysisSpatial Modeling
Recent advances in the area of mobile robotics caused growing attention of the armed forces, where the necessity for unmanned vehicles being able to carry out the “dull and dirty” operations, thus avoid endangering the life of the... more
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      Path planningMobile RobotUnmanned VehiclesObstacle Avoidance
Efficient path planning algorithms are a crucial issue for modern autonomous underwater vehicles. Classical path planning algorithms in artificial intelligence are not designed to deal with wide continuous environments prone to currents.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringArtificial IntelligencePath planningAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
In the past mobile robot research was often focused to various kinds of point-to-point transportation tasks. Service tasks, such as floor cleaning, require specific approaches for path planning and vehicle guidance in real indoor... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnvironmental ChangePath planningGeometric model
This paper proposes a model of approach behavior with which a robot can initiate conversation with people who are walking. We developed the model by learning from the failures in a simplistic approach behavior used in a real shopping... more
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      User InterfacePath planningTrajectoryMobile Robots
In the first part of this paper, we present the Optimal Searcher Path problem with Visibility, a novel path planning approach that models inter-region visibility and that uses concepts from search theory to model uncertainty on the goal’s... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceOperations ResearchAnt Colony Optimization
We introduce a method to generate whole body motion of a humanoid robot such that the resulted total linear/angular momenta become specified values. First, we derive a linear equation which gives the total momentum of a robot from its... more
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      Motion PlanningPath planningSystemsVectors
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess those factors that influence the extent of usage, type of usage (planning only versus planning and control), and selection of project management (PM) software by professionals in the... more
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      EngineeringDemographyProject ManagementPackaging
In this paper, a new approach is developed for solving the problem of mobile robot path planning in an unknown dynamic environment based on Q-learning. Q-learning algorithms have been used widely for solving real world problems,... more
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      EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Path planningQ Learning
tially knozlln 3-0 environment while avoiding obstacles and minimizing path length. We use a hierarchical approach to path planning. W e distinguish between a global offline computation, based on a coarse known model of the environment... more
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      Computer VisionPath planningNavigationAutomation
In this paper, we present a novel robotic system that produces watercolour paintings by means of a 6-degree-of-freedom collaborative robot. After an analysis of traditional watercolour, different non-photorealistic rendering techniques... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsSoftware EngineeringMechanics
Exploration involving mapping and concurrent localization in an unknown environment is a pervasive task in mobile robotics. In general, the accuracy of the mapping process depends directly on the accuracy of the localization process. This... more
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      Adaptive ControlPath planningSimultaneous Localization and MappingNavigation
In this study, Bug1, Bug2, Class1, Alg1, Alg2 and DistBug motion planning algorithms for mobile robots are simulated and their performances are compared. These motion planning algorithms are applied on a Pioneer mobile robot on the... more
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      RoboticsAlgorithmsRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
This article introduces a new approach to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) which pursues robustness and accuracy in large-scale environments. Like most successful works on SLAM, we use Bayesian filtering to provide a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPath planningBayesian InferenceSimultaneous Localization and Mapping
This paper surveys the developments of the last 20 years in the area of vision for mobile robot navigation. Two major components of the paper deal with indoor navigation and outdoor navigation. For each component, we have further... more
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionNeural NetworksPath planning
A spherical mobile robot, rolling on a plane with the help of two internal rotors and working on the principle of conservation of angular momentum has recently been fabricated in our group. The robot is a classic nonholonomic system. Path... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsPath planningFeedback Control
Despite the growing popularity of swarm-based applications of drones, there is still a lack of approaches to maximize the safety of swarms of drones by minimizing the risks of drone collisions. In this paper, we present an approach that... more
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      Safety EngineeringEvolutionary algorithmsMachine LearningHeuristics
The Robot Operating System (ROS) provides operating system-like services to operate robots. Mapping, localization, and autonomous navigation in an indoor environment are popular issues in the field of autonomous robots. Autonomous... more
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      Path planningControl systemOPERATING SYSTEMNavigation
The main objective of an Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle (UAV) is to provide an operator with services from its payload. Currently, to get these UAV services, one extra human operator is required to navigate the UAV. Many techniques have been... more
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      Cognitive ScienceUnmanned Aircraft SystemsGenetic AlgorithmPath planning
This paper presents a realtime, collision-free motion coordination and navigation system for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) fleet. The proposed system uses geographical locations of the UAVs and of the successfully detected, static and... more
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      RoboticsFleet management systemsPath planningComplex Event Processing
Path planning in mobile robots must ensure optimality of the path. The optimality achieved may be in path, time, energy consumed etc. Path planning in robots also depends on the environment in which it operates like, static or dynamic,... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringControl SystemsPath planning
This paper addresses the issue of monitoring physical spatial phenomena of interest using information collected by a resource-constrained network of mobile, wireless and noisy sensors that can take discrete measurements as they navigate... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Spatial AnalysisSpatial Modeling
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is defined as aircraft without the onboard presence of pilots. UAVs have been used to perform intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions. The UAVs are not limited to military operations, they can... more
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      Swarm IntelligenceAnt Colony OptimizationTraffic controlParticle Swarm Optimization
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsFuzzy LogicAnt Colony Optimization
A new variant of particle swarm optimization (PSO), named phase angle-encoded and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (θ-QPSO), is proposed. Six versions of θ-QPSO using different mappings are presented and compared through their... more
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      EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsDifferential EvolutionConvergence
Being able to build a map of the environment and to simultaneously localize within this map is an essential skill for mobile robots navigating in unknown environments in absence of external referencing systems such as GPS. This so-called... more
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      Graph TheoryGlobal Positioning SystemPath planningSimultaneous Localization and Mapping
Dimensional inspection of engineering components comprising free-form surfaces demands accurate measurement of a large number of discrete points, such that the actual shape may be fully characterised. This paper presents a methodology for... more
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      EngineeringPath planningMathematical SciencesAdvanced manufacturing technology
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      CartographyData MiningPattern RecognitionLocalization
This paper presents algorithmic solutions for the complete coverage path planning problem using a team of mobile robots. Multiple robots decrease the time to complete the coverage, but maximal efficiency is only achieved if the number of... more
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      Applied MathematicsPath planningMobile RobotSingle Cell
In this study, Bug1, Bug2, and DistBug motion planning algorithms for mobile robots are simulated and their performances are compared. These motion planning algorithms are applied on a Pioneer mobile robot on the simulation environment... more
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      RoboticsAlgorithmsRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
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      EngineeringEducationEngineering EducationEngineering Design
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      RoboticsOcean EngineeringOceanographyAutonomous Robotics
This paper presents the design and implementation of a vision-based navigation and landing algorithm for an autonomous helicopter. The vision system allows to define target areas from a high resolution aerial or satellite image to... more
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      Machine VisionGlobal Positioning SystemPath planningControl system
We address the problem of online path planning for optimal sensing with a mobile robot. The objective of the robot is to learn the most about its pose and the environment given time constraints. We use a POMDP with a utility function that... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCognitive ScienceReinforcement LearningModel Predictive Control
... In approximate cellular decomposition, the re-gion is approximated with a grid that covers the re ... From this study, it was concluded that 16% of the driving distance could be saved ... Ryerson and Zhang (2006) have proposed using... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPath planningField RoboticsPath Planning
This paper presents a novel and feasible path planning technique for a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) conducting surface inspection of infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to minimise the travel distance of UAVs while... more
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      Particle Swarm OptimizationPath planningUAV systemsUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
In built infrastructure monitoring, an efficient path planning algorithm is essential for robotic inspection of large surfaces using computer vision. In this work, we first formulate the inspection path planning problem as an extended... more
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      Particle Swarm OptimizationPath planningUAV systemsVisual Inspections
This paper proposes a new approach using improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the path of a mobile robot through an environment containing static obstacles. Relative to many optimization methods that produce nonsmooth... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsParticle Swarm OptimizationPath planningStochastic processes
Robot navigation remains as one of the unsolved problems of computer science and robotics. The problem is in the development of an algorithm which would allow the mobile robot to find its way around a room, or maze and at the same time... more
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      Reinforcement LearningNeural NetworkPath planningMobile Robot
This paper addresses real-time navigation for crowds moving on multilayered and uneven terrains. The objective is to animate thousands of characters in real-time on large-scale environments without taking care of motion details: a common... more
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      Path planningReal TimePath PlanningLarge Scale
This study focuses on the implementation and demonstration of the Real Time Path Planner (RTPP). It is an AI guidance system that was developed for an operational DoD unmanned aerial target control system. The RTPP is tested using the... more
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      Path planningControl systemReal TimeFormation Control