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A theory of generative grammar is proposed in which universal grammar is given by a set of constraints --- or better, criteria of decision between alternatives -- and individual grammars consist of a ranking of those constraints. A number... more
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    • Optimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
This paper attempts to study the phonological variation between Odia and Sambalpuri, a variety of Odia using the Optimality Theoretic framework (Prince and Smolensky, 1993). Since Sambalpuri is a distinctively different variety, the paper... more
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      PhonologyVowel harmonyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Language Style/Variety
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      PhonologyLinguisticsOptimality TheoryLanguage Games
Abstract: This chapter discusses the application of Optimality Theory to phonological change, and reviews work that treats various aspects of historical phonology, including segmental and prosodic changes, analogy, paradigmatic leveling,... more
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      Optimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Historical Phonology
The formation of standard Finnish male nicknames in terms of Optimality Theory (OT) is described. Formation of these nicknames is subject to phonological, morphological, segmental and prosodic restrictions and often proceeds via... more
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      Optimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Finnish LanguageNicknames
This paper deals with the vowel system in Iraqi Arabic and in Classical and Modern Standard Arabic. It shows within the framework of the optimality theory the indispensability of the vowel system for the Classical and Modern Standard... more
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      ArabicIraqArabic DialectsOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
Research in anthropology has shown that kin terminologies have a complex combinatorial structure and vary systematically across cultures. This article argues that universals and variation in kin terminology result from the interaction of... more
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      Kinship (Anthropology)Cognitive LinguisticsAnthropology of KinshipCognitive Anthropology
The data puzzle of Proto-Nordic rounding and front umlauts is addressed by positing an undominated markedness constraint that bans [±round] moraic stem-final segments. A related constraint restricts the assignment of [±round] in affixes.... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
The aim of this work is to present an overview of the main approaches to phonologicalvariation, both categorical and optional, that have been put forward within Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky, 2004). There are other overviews in... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanishPhonologyLanguage Variation and Change
"This dissertation explores the phonological representation and the phonetic realization of prosodic prominence in Persian. It comprises two related parts: the first part addresses prosodic phrasing in Persian sentences, while the second... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySpeech ProsodyPhonetics
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      PhonologyMorphologyPhonology, Morphology, AcquisitionOptimality Theory
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      PhonologyPhoneticsOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Phonetics and Phonology
This paper aims to give an Optimality Theoretic account of the consonant cluster simplification process which occurs in Sylheti Bangla (henceforth SHB), a dialectal variety of Bengali Language, by the emergence of epenthetic vowel before... more
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      Phonetics-Phonology InterfaceEnglish Phonetics and PhonologyMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Optimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
One major research question in Optimality Theory (OT) that directly tackles phenomena at the interface of phonology and morphology is whether the model should allow intermediate levels of representation or not. This chapter takes on this... more
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      Catalan StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSpanishPhonology
The most comprehensive study to date of Italian contrastive focalization, Right Dislocation, Left Dislocation, and Destressing in Situ. Provides scholars with the analytical tools to accurately determine which linguistic effects pertain... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsProsody-Syntax
En este artículo se aborda el problema de la alternancia entre los órdenes SVO y VSO (ó VOS) que se observa en lenguas como el español, el griego moderno y el maya yucateco. Proponemos que para el español y el maya yucateco, es incorrecto... more
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      SyntaxTheoretical LinguisticsMayan LinguisticsWord order
Основне поставке теорије оптималности тeoриjски су oквир за ово истраживање. Циљ је биo утврдити како се мењала хијерархија ограничења од старословенског, као најраније записаног словенског језика, преко стандардног српског језика, до... more
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      PhonologyOptimality TheoryLanguage GamesOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage AcquisitionFirst Language AcquisitionMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
Memorias del primer encuentro de teoría de optimidad en el CIESAS. México, CIESAS (CD), pp 26-30
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      PhonologyOptimality TheoryOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Phonetics and Phonology
In its more than two decades, Optimality Theory has contributed to a great shift in linguistic theory. OT has made it possible for many different subfields of linguistics to converse more directly with one another. Besides, OT has also... more
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      Optimality TheoryPhonological TheoryOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Harmonic Serialism
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      Optimality TheoryPharyngealisationVowel harmonyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
Abstract: This study is based on a representative corpus of episodes 1-85 (seasons 1 and 2) of the Hanna & Barbera Smurf series and on the Greek translation of the series “Στρουµφάκια”(episodes 1-44). Using the Optimality Theory framework... more
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      Language GamesMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Optimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyLinguisticsOptimality Theory
The 21st-century global linguistic landscape has seen many challenges for language learners. New assessments have been made in a host of areas, especially regarding learners’ needs, motives, the target of instruction, and methodologies.... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageGesture StudiesPhonological AwarenessLearning Styles
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      Language GamesMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Optimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
This study looked into the different onset patterns of the syllables allowed in Standard Colloquial Bangla (SCB), and Jessore Bangla (JB), two of the major dialects of Bangla. Using the framework of Optimality Theory (OT) it captured how... more
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      PhonologyLinguisticsOptimality TheoryOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Basque linguisticsOptimality TheoryOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Morphological Causatives
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      Optimality TheoryVowel harmonyTone systemsOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich – ausgehend von den aktuell gültigen Vorgaben der Amtlichen Regeln (kurz AR) von 2006 – mit dem Komma vor Infinitiven. Ziel ist es, die Regelungen mithilfe von Beschränkungen im Rahmen einer... more
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      OrthographyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Punctuation
While in a wide range of phonological theories preservation under prominence is a well noticed effect, there are few explanations for the accumulation of prominent properties in a particular position. Both tendencies, however, as well as... more
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      Catalan StudiesPhonologyCatalan LanguageRomance philology
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSociolinguisticsCode-Switching
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      Catalan StudiesPhonologyCatalan LanguageDialectology
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      PhonologyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Phonetics and PhonologyDependency Theory
En andaluz oriental y en murciano el debilitamiento extremo de algunas consonantes finales de palabra, especialmente de -/s/, se suele compensar con la abertura de la vocal adyacente y este rasgo de abertura se puede extender hasta las... more
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      SpanishPhonologyDialectologyLanguage Variation and Change
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      PhonologyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
This paper represents a contribution to the theory of ‘substance free’ phonology. The need for quantificational statements to express identity and nonidentity conditons in phonology entails the rejection of feature geometry. Feature... more
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      LogicPhonologyLinguisticsOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
This paper provides an analysis of the morphological and lexical conditionings determining the triggering or the blocking of the rhotacism pattern observed in Algherese Catalan. In this dialect, laterals and dental stops rhotacise in... more
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      LinguisticsOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Rhotics
In Balearic Catalan, first person singular present indicative verb forms do not show an explicit inflectional morph, as do most dialects of Catalan. Among these forms, we find final consonant clusters that involve a violation of the... more
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      Catalan StudiesPhonologyOptimality TheorySonority-based structure
We analyze phonological conditions for sonants to gain possibility of forming a syllable, that is, to become the nucleus of a syllable in Serbian and Šatrovački, a specific slang language game that bases on reversal of syllables in... more
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      SerbianOptimality TheoryOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Syllabification
Most linguistic theories postulate structures with covert information, not directly recoverable from utterances. Hence, learners have to interpret their data before drawing conclusions. Within the framework of Optimality Theory (OT),... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsOptimality TheoryComputational PhonologyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
The three concepts of case, valency and transitivity belong to the most discussed topics of modern linguistics. On the one hand, they are crucially connected with morphological aspects of the clause, including case marking, person... more
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      TypologyLanguage TypologyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Linguistic Typology
ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to present the synchronic effects of voicing assimilation in some Romance languages and to analyze the constraints -the regularities- that underlie beyond the observed variation. Since the extent of the... more
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      PhonologyCatalan LanguageItalian StudiesPortuguese Studies
The notion that language change consists solely of constraint reranking is incoherent. The charges laid against this commonplace in the Optimality Theory (OT) literature, are however, equally relevant to the older notion that language... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
The Elementary Ranking Condition (ERC) embodies the restrictions imposed by a comparison between a desired optimum and a single competitor. It forms the basic formal element that allows OT grammars to be constructed, represented, and... more
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      Relevance LogicOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)
This research aims to describe and explain the phonological process of deletion in Persian children’s speech. The theoretical framework of the analysis is optimality theory. The method of research is descriptive-analytic, including both... more
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      PhonologyOptimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Child Language Acqusition
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      Catalan StudiesPhonologyCatalan LanguagePhonetics
En català, com en moltes altres llengües, la fricativa labiodental sorda (f) i, en menor mesura, la fricativa labiodental sonora (v) presenten un comportament fonològic excepcional dins del conjunt de les fricatives, que sovint les acosta... more
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      Catalan StudiesPhonologyCatalan LanguagePhonetics
Since the times of the old Arab grammarians, the syllable has played a major role in the phonology of classical as well as colloquial Arabic. In the 1970s, phonologists investigated Cairene Arabic (CA) syllable structure and found it the... more
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      Optimality Theory (Languages And Linguistics)Egyptian ArabicEpenthesisDeletion
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      PhonologyOptimality TheoryAlgic LinguisticsAlgonquian languages