Recent papers in Media
This work reflects on how the representation of the Arab world has evolved in three fictional works that have emerged in the second decade of the 21st century: Homeland (Showtime Networks, 2011-2020), Tyrant (FX Network-Fox, 2014-2016),... more
Given the on-going nature of this crisis, it’s too early for the full implications to be realized. However, it’s clear that the news industry which emerges on the other side will look very different from the one that went into it.... more
Last year, at this conference, I discussed how distinctions between nature and culture, and humans and animals, can arise from the technical processes of food production (see "Food as an object of cultural technical study "). Drawing on... more
This chapter explores the use of music and digital media in the Chanjo campaign against corruption in Tanzania, focusing on mediations of agency. Building on Latour (2005), I use the concept mediated agency to refer to a process in which... more
İletişim olgusu, toplumsal bir varlık olan insan için her dönem önemli bir konuma sahip olmuştur. Tarihin ilk dönemlerinden itibaren doğa ile iç içe yaşayan insan beslenme, barınma ve korunma gibi temel ihtiyaçlarını giderirken iletişim... more
Studies of electoral authoritarianism in Southeast Asia highlight the significance of a compliant media in acting as an obstacle to democratization. Analyses of Malaysian politics are no different. Although the media in Malaysia is... more
Twitter makes visible some of the most fundamental divides in professional journalism today. It reveals tensions about what constitutes news, the norms guiding journalists providing it, professional identity, and public service. This... more
O presente estudo sobre criminologia mediática e direitos humanos pretende analisar a evolução da relação entre estes objetos, com o objetivo de compreender como os discursos mediáticos foram capazes de influenciar tantas pessoas,... more
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society." -- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to... more
Abstract This book is theoretical, in which the relevant parts of sociological and anthropological specialist literature on football and social processes were synthetically summarized. I focused only on the theories that were relevant to... more
Disrupting the Gaze is written in three parts. The first chapter Art Intervention and the Tate Gallery investigates contemporary art intervention at the Tate Gallery. It includes artists, art groups and activists: Graham Harwood,... more
The role of leadership in an organizational system has remained of central concern in organization studies. Over the time, the emergence of various theories has unfolded the unique influential roles of leadership embedded in... more
The media are home to an eclectic bunch of people. This book is about who they are, what they do, and what their work means to them. Based on interviews with media professionals in the United States, New Zealand, South Africa, and The... more
The article discusses the production of live television formats, as they have developed in Europe during the past decade. The analytical examples are taken from entertainment as well as factual television, and from public service as well... more
Research and critical studies into men and masculinity has originated as one of the most emerging areas of sociological investigation. More books and articles have been published on this study area alone as well as the introduction of two... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
Before the former Yugoslavia was divided by wars, its inhabitants successfully lived side by side in peace. This collection seeks to explain how former neighbors became enemies, with the hope that understanding what drove these peoples... more
In 1998, in a paper in which he explained the mechanisms used in Hollywood to divide the revenue generated by feature films among different stakeholders, Mark Weinstein (1998) argued that only ten to twenty percent of these projects... more
In the age of disruption and in today’s platform society (Van Dijck et al., 2019), communication between nation states is influenced by the development of technology. The nation state is responding to the new communication environment... more
Türkiye, uzun yıllardan beridir çeşitli ideolojilerde ve yapılarda terör örgütleriyle çeşitli yoğunluklarda mücadele etmiş ve etmeye devam eden bir ülkedir. Kürdistan İşçi Partisinin de (PKK- Partîya Karkerên Kurdistanê) bu terör... more
Vladimiro Giacché, La fabbrica del falso. Strategie della menzogna nella politica contemporanea, 3a ed., Reggio Emilia, Imprimatur, 2016, rist. 2018. I diritti di pubblicazione appartengono esclusivamente all’autore. È consentita la... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
experiment assessing how viewer attitudes are affected
This book focuses on how media and communications policy is made and what influences its design. It explores the structures and processes in which policymaking takes place worldwide, the factors that determine its forms, influence its... more
С развитием технологий меняется, в том числе, и сфера искусства: появляются театры роботов, искусственный интеллект (ИИ) сам создает мультипликацию и пишет сценарии, 3D-принтеры сменяют ручную работу скульпторов и т.д., по сути,... more
Die Geschichtswissenschaft sieht sich einem doppelten Vorwurf ausgesetzt: Einerseits mische sie sich zu wenig in aktuelle gesellschaftliche Debatten ein, und andererseits sei sie zu politisch –und zwar vor allem zu links. Wie ist es zu... more
College seniors exist in a challenging period where lives previously based on linear course-planning transition into the uncertainty of the young-professional world (Daniels, Stewart, Stupnisky, Perry, & LoVerso, 2011). Academically and... more
Se bem a Sociologia nasce como uma "narrativa sobre a modernidade" (RITA FELSKI), o mundo contemporâneo vive transformações sociais, culturais e políticas que demandam novas análises e novos olhares. O presente trabalho aborda... more