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      Indigenous StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsEndangered Languages
GGKEY:DCR8G3GCK8A Old Persian is a language that was spoken by the Iranian rulers of the Achaemenid Empire. It is from the Indo-European family of languages and its similarities with many languages that are being spoken today like... more
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      Old PersianAchaemenid HistoryLanguage death and revivalOld Persian (Languages And Linguistics)
This study reports on the results of a listening-task experiment in the intelligibility of Czech, Polish and Slovak to students of the Sorbian-language secondary school in Bautzen/Budyšin, Germany. The analysis focuses on the question of... more
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      Slavic LanguagesIntercomprehensionReceptive multilingualismLanguage Revival
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      Language maintenanceLanguage Revival
When considering Haugen’s model of language standardisation (Table 1), it is important to emphasise its flexibility and adaptability. It was never intended as an immovable artefact, much less a prescriptive route to standardisation. In... more
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      Language revitalizationCornish LanguageLanguage Planning and PolicyLanguage Policy and Politics of Identity
This article presents a typology of phonological, morphosyntactic, and lexical features illustrative of factors conditioning the usage of speakers and writers of Revived Manx, including substratal influence from English; language... more
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      HistoryLanguage revitalizationCeltic StudiesHebrew Language
This article presents a typology of phonological, morphosyntactic, and lexical features illustrative of factors conditioning the usage of speakers and writers of Revived Manx, including substratal influence from English; language... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage revitalizationCeltic StudiesHebrew Language
In this article the role of different ideological viewpoints concerning corpus development within the Manx revival movement in the second half of the twentieth century is explored. In particular, the work of two prominent figures is... more
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      Celtic StudiesSociolinguisticsCeltic LinguisticsLanguage Ideology
A short introduction to the first phase of a dialect revival as it stood at the close of 2014.
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      Scottish Gaelic StudiesOrthographyScottish GaelicLanguage Revival
Centar Zagreber yidish-krayz za učenje jidiša osnovan je 2014. godine u Zagrebu. Klub organizira tečajeve jidiša, predavanja iz kulture, povijesti i tradicije aškenaskih Židova te književni klub. Premda status jidiša danas možemo svrstati... more
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      Language revitalizationSociolinguisticsYiddishJewish Languages and Linguistics
The paper explores how Chingoni, a language of the conquering Ngoni, lost out to Chitumbuka and Chichewa, the languages of the conquered Tumbuka and Chewa respectively, as a language of everyday communication to the extent of being... more
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      Ethnicity and NationalismLanguage PlanningMother TongueGroup Identity
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    • Language Revival
Este artículo esboza la historia lingüística y sociocultural de Capadocia y los capadocios desde el Imperio hitita en la Edad de Bronce tardía hasta el intercambio de población entre Grecia y Turquía en 1923-1924. Se describe la... more
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      Cappadocian LanguageOttoman TurkishLanguage contactAsia Minor
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      Digital TechnologyPolitical ScienceEldersLanguage Revival
In language revival, text creation is one of the key areas where language development work is focussed. As texts are predominantly developed from the starting point of a text in English, methods used for translation are crucially... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTranslationAustralian Aboriginal LanguagesLanguage Revival
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsMorphologyLinguistics
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesLanguage revitalizationLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
This article sketches the linguistic and socio-cultural history of Cappadocia and the Cappadocians from the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age until the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923-1924. It describes the... more
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      HistoryArtCappadocian LanguageOttoman Turkish