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Oil corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan arose from US/UK and Turkish patronage systems and clientalism. This investigative paper examines how IOCs and other businesses began preparing the ground in northern Iraq to benefit themselves long... more
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish Question in TurkeyGeorge W Bush adminstrationKurdish Nationalism
Tamamlanamamış bu taslak metin esasen Halklar Hapishanesi Anadolu, Kürtlerde Anadolumerkezci Yabancılaşma'nın çeşitli bölümlerine ait bazı pasajların, ek okumalar ve notlar ışığında 2005 yılında tek bir bölüm halinde yeniden düzenlenmesi... more
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The few works on the Yezidi Genocide that have appeared thus far have mainly focused on the violence perpetrated against the Yezidis and no work has attempted the construction of a general historical narrative covering the essential... more
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      Human RightsGenocide StudiesSexual ViolenceKurdish Studies
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish Question in TurkeyKurdish NationalismKurdistan
This edited volume introduces the political, social and economic intra-Kurdish dynamics in the Middle East by comparatively analyzing the main actors, their ideas, and political interests. As an ethnic group and a nation in the making,... more
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      SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyViolence
Erbil is the capital of the Autonomous Region of the Kurdistan within the Federal Republic of Iraq and, according to the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), it’s considered the oldest continuously inhabited city in the... more
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      Cultural HeritageUrban PlanningIraqKurdistan
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      Soviet HistoryKurdish StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkey
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish Question in TurkeyKurdistanKurdish history
Iraq has distanced itself from its traditional radicalism and adopted a more pragmatic and moderate posture. Still, close ties between Iran and Iraqi Shi'a groups in particular threaten the chances for normalization between Jerusalem and... more
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      Iraqi HistoryKurdish StudiesIraqKurdistan
Diviso tra Turchia, Siria, Iraq e Iran, il Kurdistan rappresenta probabilmente uno degli scenari geopolitici più caldi del Medio Oriente. È il territorio di un popolo, i curdi, che vanta più di trenta milioni di persone la più grande... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryKurdish StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
While nation-states often claim that refugees threaten their political and territorial integrity, this chapter shows how the opposite can be true: sometimes states need refugees. In late 2014 and early 2015, when parts of Iraq... more
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      Middle East StudiesSovereigntyMilitarismCritical Security Studies
The United States wants to end “forever wars” in the Middle East, among them the war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Much to Turkey’s dismay, Kurdish forces were crucial on-the-ground allies in that pursuit. While the military battle is... more
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      TurkeyIraqSyriaU.S. Foreign Policy
ქურთების საკითხი ერთ-ერთ რთულ და გადაუჭრელ პრობლემად ითვლება ახლო აღმოსავლეთის რეგიონში. მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ქურთები რეგიონში მრავალი საუკუნეა ცხოვრობენ, მათ დღემდე არ გააჩნიათ საკუთარი სახელმწიფო. სხვადასხვა სტატისტიკური მონაცემების... more
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      KurdistanKurdish historyKurds in the Middle EastKurds in Iran
This article is the Arabic translation (with minor modifications approved by the author) of an English original ("The KRG's Relationship with the Yazidi Minority and the Future of the Yazidis in Shingal") that was published by NRT, a... more
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      TerrorismMiddle East StudiesIraqi HistoryPolitical Science
My PhD thesis on the Jews and Assyrians of Kurdistan, A Comparative Study in Survival (the Hebrew University, 2003)  was translated by the Institute for Academic Research in Beirut.
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      Kurdish StudiesHistory of the JewsKurdistanTribal and Nomadic Society
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      BusinessMiddle East StudiesWaterWater resources
İran’ın modernleşme, iç gerilimler ve devrimler sürecinde İran Kürtlerinin durumu diğer bölge halklarından farklıdır; İran, Kürt etnik grubunun 20. yüzyılda devlet kurduğu tek coğrafya olmuştur.
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      Iranian StudiesKurdistanKurds in the Middle EastIranian Kurdistan
Breve resumen de la operación militar dirigida por las fuerzas kurdas en los distritos de Sinjar y Tal Afar entre el 17 y 21 de Diciembre de 2014 contra el Estado Islámico.
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      Military HistoryMiddle East StudiesInternational SecurityPolitical Science
Far less is understood of the nature of Late Neolithic settlement in the interior Zagros region in the 6th millennium BC compared with contemporary halafian settlement on the Tigris-Euphrates plains. This paper presents preliminary... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyKurdistanZagros Mountains
This paper argues that the fact that the Kurds have no nation-state of their own cannot be explained by sheer failure on the part of the Kurdish nobility, but the element of deliberate choice to avoid and evade the state is also involved.... more
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      Political TheoryKurdish StudiesKurdistanKurdish history
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsPolitical PartiesRefugee Studies
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      EducationSocial SciencesIraqDemocracy
Abstract: Scholarship on Kurdish history discusses the boundaries of Kurdistan in terms of its geographical limits and the political frontier. Be it geographical or political, most of these works present the limits of Kurdish lands more... more
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      Ottoman HistoryKurdish StudiesHistorical mapsKurdistan
This report was issued Jan. 28, 2016 and contains the first published mapping of mass graves of Yazidis killed in Sinjar, Iraq during the Yazidi Genocide of 2014. The report was written by Matthew Barber (then Executive Director of Yazda... more
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      ForensicsForensic ScienceTerrorismViolence
Historiestudentenes tidsskrift, nr. 4/2014, s. 22-28.
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish NationalismKurdistan
Texts derived from excavations at Sātu Qaḽā, the Assyrian Idu, in Iraqi Kurdistan, attest to a local kingdom preceding the rise of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Though the fragmentary and formulaic inscriptions so far provide some of the best... more
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      HurrianCuneiformAssyrian EmpireKurdistan
"This book features chapters that examine the various ways of belonging in the Middle East. Belonging can mean fitting in, feeling at home, feeling a part; this kind of belonging is profoundly social. Belongings can be possessions,... more
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      Ethnic StudiesGender StudiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
Yezidi communities throughout the world are struggling with their collective identity; each at a varying and somewhat differing stage of self-discovery. While the present paper does seek to elaborate upon this journey for the Yezidis in... more
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      DiscriminationReligious PersecutionSelfdeterminationKurdistan
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyGender StudiesWomen's Studies
By 1936, the borders of Syria were set by the Franco-Syrian Treaty. Under the treaty, mandatory Syria remained unified, with the exception of Lebanon, and with no provision for Kurdish autonomy. While some have argued that this resulted... more
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      Middle East HistoryKurdish StudiesSyrian StudiesFrench colonialism
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At the end of the Second Gulf War in early 1991, the Kurdish people in Iraq rose against Saddam Hussein’s regime by liberating most of the areas inhabited by them. However, within a few weeks, the uprising was crushed. The Iraqi army’s... more
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      Middle East StudiesKurdistanMiddle EastKurdish history
ABSTRACT This dissertation is concerned with the sufistic hermeneutics of mahwi’s poem. It is an attempt to read his Kurdish poems, amid theoretical reading of Islamic interpretation and western. Thus some unclear textual meaning can be... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiterature
A significant movement of apostasy from Islam is underway in the Middle East, one that is simultaneously birthing a new religious minority. Kurdistan is experiencing a gradually intensifying revival of Zoroastrianism as increasing numbers... more
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      ReligionMiddle East StudiesZoroastrianismRace and Ethnicity
بوونی هاوڕەگەزخوازی و تڕەنسێتی شاراوه له ناو کلتووری کوردی خوێندنەوەی تایبەتانەی هاوڕەگەزخوازانی ئافرەت و پیاو له کوردستان و دەرەوەی وڵات کامیل ئەحمەدی ئەم وتاره به بابەتێک له چوارچێوەی ئێتنۆگڕافی هەوڵ دەدا ڕوانگەیەکی مرۆڤناسانەی... more
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      KurdistanLGBT Studiesکردستانکوردستان
Introduction to the recently restructered Mesopotamian Ecology Movement which acts in North Kurdistan on ecological subjects. In the movement are people active with different backgrounds. In 2015 it has become stronger than never before.... more
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      Social MovementsEcologyBig DamsKurdish Question in Turkey
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish Question in TurkeyKurdish NationalismKurdish Question
Middle Eastern students are often categorised as passive learners lacking autonomy and the ability to reflect and think critically. This paper reveals how critical thinking skills can be developed through various classroom tasks which... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageCritical ThinkingIraqKurdistan
Local histories are one of the most basic forms of Iranian-Islamic historiography that, along with various types of history, help understand the past developments. Among such works is the honorary letter written by Amir Sharaf-Khan... more
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      HistoriographyKurdistanKurdsSharaf-Khan Badlisi
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      Ottoman HistoryKurdish StudiesOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
Recently, Turkey and the U.S. signed an agreement for Turkey to join the coalition’s fight against the Islamic State (IS, a.k.a. ISIS/ISIL). As part of this agreement an IS-free zone will be created in Syria, but it is not clear yet... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisTerrorismMiddle East Studies
Мировое сообщество в течение десятков лет подвергалось и подвергается непрерывной промывке мозгов, когда утверждается, что отсутствие приемлемого решения арабо-израильского конфликта является основным, чуть ли не единственным... more
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      Armenian StudiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryBaluchi Studies
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish Question in TurkeyKurdish NationalismKurdish Question
Tarihsel Süreç içerisinde Kürdistan coğrafyasında Pek çok Emirlik kurulmuş bu emirlikler Kürt Tarihini, coğrafi yapısını ve siyasi hayatını oluşturmuştur, bu Emirliklerden Botan Emirliği, Etki alanı bugünkü Kuzey Kürdistan'da yer alan... more
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish Question in TurkeyKurdish NationalismKurdish Question
Mücadelemiz açısından 1970'ler Türkiye'sini hatırlarsak, ulusal bilincin tamamen olmadığı veya çok cılız olduğu, sosyalizmin bir öğreti olarak benimsenmesinin ve bunun bir ülke pratiğine aktarılmasının düşünülmediği bir dönemde biz yola... more
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      Kurdish StudiesKurdish Question in TurkeyKurdish NationalismKurdistan
–Vernacular architecture in Kurdistan is a widely understudied subject. Whilst rapid development is taking place across the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the lack of a clear knowledge of local building traditions has led to the loss of... more
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      Sustainable Building DesignBIM (Architecture)Vernacular ArchitectureSustainable Architecture
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منازعات و مناقشات کردستان
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      Jewish HistoryJewish ThoughtKabbalahKurdistan
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      Kurdish StudiesDeath and Burial (Archaeology)KurdistanParthian Empire