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"'נשמה יהודיה מלאה עפר / מאירופה לבגדד' – השואה, זיכרון קולקטיבי וגבולות הלאום בשירתה של אמירה הס", בתוך "עדות היופי וחוקת הזמן – על שירתה של אמירה הס", עורכת: קציעה עלון, הוצאת גמא, 2016, עמ' 192-132.
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      Hebrew LiteratureLiteraturePoetryIsrael/Palestine
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureYiddish LiteratureJewish Studies
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      MidrashJewish LiteratureJewish Folklore
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      Gender StudiesJewish HistoryUrban StudiesJewish Literature
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      Hebrew LiteratureTranslation StudiesRefugee StudiesEgypt
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      StylisticsContemporary LiteratureJewish LiteratureTwentieth-Century American Literature
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    • Jewish Literature
Quando ha conosciuto Piero Terracina, ebreo romano sopravvissuto ad Auschwitz, Erika aveva solo quattordici anni. Ma nel volto di quel vecchio signore ha saputo vedere qualcosa di importante. Qualcosa che non poteva andare perduto. Giorno... more
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      Holocaust StudiesJewish LiteratureHolocaust Literature
Shimon Lev Abstract In the first half of the twentieth century, the main cultural agents representing India and its culture to the Western world, including the Jewish communities in Europe and Palestine, were Rabindranath Tagore... more
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      Jewish StudiesIndian studiesJewish LiteratureIsrael and Zionism
A late Chabad text attributed to Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneersohn speaks of the Maskilim in the following way: “All the maskilic writers, their students, and their students’ students take every chance to disparage the honor of Hasidism and... more
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      ReligionEastern European StudiesJewish StudiesJewish Mysticism
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
A distinct Anglo-Jewish identity developed in Britain between 1840 and 1880. Over the course of these forty years, a mature, increasingly comfortable, native-born Jewish community emerged and matured in London. The multifaceted growth and... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish History19th Century (History)Jewish Literature
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      Jewish StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian StudiesPoetry
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      Jewish American LiteratureJewish StudiesReligion in AmericaChildren's Literature
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureMythologyJewish Studies
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      Jewish LiteratureJudah Halevimedieval Hebrew poetry
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    • Jewish Literature
Encyclopedia entry for Philip Roth's 1981 novel Zuckerman Unbound.
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      American Literature20th Century American LiteratureJewish Literature20th Century Literature
This article compares two novels: Moyshe Kulbak’s Montog (“Monday”) and Samuel Beckett’s Murphy. Each novel ends with the death of its protagonist, figured as both a senseless act and the apotheosis of its hero’s self-reflexive, ironic... more
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      Comparative LiteratureYiddish LiteratureEnglish LiteratureJewish Studies
Twenty-five years ago, Ilan Stavans published his first book, Imagining Columbus: The Literary Voyage (1993). Since then, Stavans has become a polarizing figure, dismissed and praised in equal measure, a commanding if contested... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLatino/A StudiesLatin American StudiesJewish Studies
Scholars of postwar American Jewish history have traditionally focused on highbrow texts in charting the shifting ways that “Jews,” as a category, has been defined and characterized. Including postwar middlebrow publications in our... more
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      Middlebrow LiteratureAnti-SemitismJewish LiteratureReligious Bigotry
In this essay, I argue that the publication of this book opened up a symbolic space for Jewish immigrants in the lettered culture of Buenos Aires and also in the future of the country. Paradoxically, this is achieved, not through... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish LiteratureFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesArgentine Literature
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish LiteratureHolocaust Shoah
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      HistorySociologyRussian StudiesArt History
The full syllabus for a freshman\sophmore seminar taught at UC Berkeley during spring 2019. The seminar reflects on the connection between Jewish literature and the American comic books industry. It also explores main tensions of Jewish... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureJewish StudiesJewish LiteratureComics and Graphic Novels
Israelis do not read science fiction and fantasy Like any generalization, this one has many exceptions: a small but dedicated community of fans; youngsters hooked on Harry Potter; computer geeks with their Dungeons and Dragons and Spore... more
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      Jewish StudiesScience Fiction and FantasyJewish LiteratureIsraeli Literature
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      Hebrew LiteratureEastern European and Russian Jewish HistorySonnetsJewish Literature
EvT version 003 “Gabriel” …is finally online! Although this version is only slightly larger than its predecessor (585 units versus 560 units in version 002 “Belfegor”), it features several important changes. • All the units of the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyJewish StudiesDigital Humanities
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      Jewish StudiesFriedrich NietzscheMemory StudiesCultural Memory
One of Art Spiegelman’s motivations for using animal forms for the characters in the two volumes of Maus was to depict the dehumanization of the Jews during the Holocaust and as well the inhuman behavior of the Nazis and people of other... more
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      DocumentationComics StudiesComic Book StudiesHistory and Memory
This essay uncovers and analyzes the crucial role of Feuchtwanger's historical novels in shaping Soviet Jewish consciousness and identity, which began to play out in the 1930s and through the post-Holocaust period. Feuchtwanger's... more
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      Jewish HistoryJewish LiteratureCulture in the Soviet UnionGerman-Jewish Studies
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      Jewish StudiesReception StudiesItalian StudiesAudience and Reception Studies
עיון פילולוגי בכתב היד של דרשות האדמו"ר מפיאסצנה, ר' קלונימוס קלמן שפירא (1889-1943), שנכתבו על ידו בזמן השואה בגטו וורשה, מעלה תובנות חדשות שלא ידועות עד כה למחקר, ואף מטלטל את המחקר הקיים. ככל הידוע לי, כל החוקרים שהתייחסו לספרו זה של... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish HistoryMysticism
FULL TEXT!! This volume publishes for the first time an untitled anti-Hasidic manuscript, which the editors have called Reshit Hokhmah (The Origin/Beginning of Wisdom), from the Joseph Perl Archive in Tarnopol. The manuscript was copied... more
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      ReligionGnosticismNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
A partir de varios contextos históricos y con ayuda de su autobiografía, este artículo elabora una cartografía de las zonas de contacto entre la vida y la obra del escritor judío de origen austríaco Paul Engel, quien bajo el pseudónimo de... more
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      LiteratureExileSecond World WarJewish Literature
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      EducationJewish StudiesTalmudJewish History
This article offers a close reading of Kafka's In the Penal Colony, exploring the text as a radical reflection on the nature of modernity in general, and Jewish modernity in particular. The article posits that In the Penal Colony is a... more
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      German LiteratureJewish StudiesHermeneuticsJewish History
"Secularism, the Christian Ambivalence Towards the Jews and the Notion of Exile," in: Ari Joskowicz and Ethan B. Katz (eds.), Secularism in Question: Jews and Judaism in Modern Times, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015)... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionCultural StudiesHebrew Literature
מהדורה ניסויית של פרק אחד של הבבלי כשלצידו המקבילות בתלמוד הירושלמי. במהדורה זו מציגים את הסוגיות זו מול זו, וכבר לימדונו רבותינו זיכרונם לברכה שבנושאים אלו 'טוב מראה עיניים ממראה מקום' (ר"ש ליברמן, תלמודה של קיסרין). כדי להצמיד את... more
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      Jewish LawTalmudRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
Jama'a 25,
Editors: Orit Ouaknine-Yekutieli, Haggai Ram and Menashe Anzi
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      Ottoman HistoryMoroccan StudiesIranian StudiesJewish Literature
È quasi un'epopea quella dei Moncalvo, storia della famiglia di un ricco banchiere ebreo che vive a Roma e cerca con ogni mezzo di entrare a far parte dell'aristocra-zia reazionaria papalina cui si contrappo-ne la figura del fratello... more
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      Jewish StudiesItalian LiteratureJewish Literature20th Century Italian Literature
Mourning is German-Jewish novelist Grete Weil’s aesthetic, moral, and intellectual project. My intent in this paper is to explicate and defend that claim. Weil’s two major autobiographical novels, Meine Schwester Antigone (My Sister... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureGerman-Jewish literatureHolocaust StudiesPalestinian Literature
In Afgrond zonder vangnet, kijkt Yra van Dijk naar de betekenis van thema’s als geloof, liefde en ouderschap in de romans van Grunberg. Wat betekenen deze thema’s als alles ‘kapot’ is? En hoe kun je met een ander leven, als die zelf niet... more
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      German-Jewish literatureMemory StudiesHolocaust StudiesJewish Literature
Księgi pamięci jako źródło historyczne do badań społeczności żydowskiej na terenie obecnego województwa podkarpackiego Księgi pamięci (sefer zikkaron), zwane również sefer pinkas (księga kronik) czy ickor-buch (księga pamięci) 1 ,... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish LiteratureMemory Books
Mystical Songs of Bratslav Hasidim
שיר ידידות לר' יחיאל מנדל ממדוודיוקה והתפתחות השיח הרדיקלי בחסידות ברסלב
(בסוף הקובץ צילום של עמוד מכתב היד)
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
As the first prominent Yiddish writer from the Polish territories of the Pale of Settlement, I. L. Peretz (1852-1915) was from the beginning of his career an outlier in the geographical politics of Yiddish culture. He dramatized this... more
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      Eastern European StudiesYiddish LiteratureEuropean UrbanizationYiddish
The Formation of the “Russian Soviet Canon” of Sholem Aleichem’s Works * Abstract: The author refers under the term “the Russian Soviet canon” of Sholem Aleichem’s works to the corpus of Russian translations, which includes three... more
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      Yiddish LiteratureJewish StudiesTranslation StudiesYiddish